Some divers can't stop trying new ways to go
deeper and stay there longer. The latest gadget: An
inflatable underwater tent with its own gas supply.
Michael Lombardi, a National Geographic Society
explorer, and Winslow Burleston, a professor at New
York University, have come up the Ocean Space
Habitat, an underwater tent reminiscent of a very
large diver's lifting bag. It serves as a portable lifesupport
system for divers who need long decompression
periods before going to the surface.
Aristotle, the Greek scientist and philosopher, probably
was the first one who came up the idea of a diving
bell -- around 350 B.C., he suggested sinking an inverted
cauldron to trap air inside so that breath-holding
underwater swimmers could surface and breathe freely.
Some intrepid deep cave divers have experimented
with similar items, such as upturned submerged dumpsters
and cattle troughs, to make long decompression
stops in more comfort and relax while breathing the
oxygen-rich gas needed for faster decompression.
After the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration shut down its last permanent underwater
habitat, Lombardi was awarded a grant to try
out a new concept. Several divers at a time can swim
into the Ocean Space Habitat, remove their equipment
(hanging their scuba tanks off the sides of the tent's
exterior), talk, eat, process samples and even sleep
through the decompression process, because the air
inside the securely anchored dry chamber remains at
the same pressure as the water surrounding it.
Could the Ocean Space Habitat also be an answer
to the dive industry's hesitation about in-water emergency
recompression? Maybe liveaboards in remote
locations would find this something worth investing
in for such diving emergencies and supplying it with
therapeutic oxygen or enriched air.
Despite the fact that the Habitat's creators
designed it to be lightweight and portable enough to
travel with as checked luggage, we calculate it would
need around two tons of ballast to be neutrally buoyant.
And while Burleson told National Geographic that
diving with the Habitat is like "turning a short hike
in the woods into a weekend-long camping excursion,"
we say no, do not plan for a weekend-long
camping trip underwater.