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For Divers since 1975
The Private, Exclusive Guide for Serious Divers Since 1975
"Best of the Web: scuba tips no other
source dares to publish" -- Forbes

Undercurrent Subscription Form
for new members
(previous members' form)

We are preparing our 539th issue
of Undercurrent
the monthly guide for traveling scuba divers,
So that you may read it, I'm going to
to roll back the price to 1998

Our subscribers are among the most serious scuba divers on our planet.

They'll tell you that Undercurrent is a no-holds-barred nonprofit publication you shouldn't do without because our writers cater to YOU, not to dive operators or manufacturers. You see, we take no advertising.

Our readers wouldn't think of taking a dive trip without consulting our monthly reports or the more than ten years of travel reviews and research available only to members on our website.

Clearly, for divers in the know, Undercurrent has been required reading for 49 years ... and yes, we still have original subscribers.

So, we're going to offer you the same no-risk
membership rate from 25 years ago ...
But only for 25 hours.

Our members know we can and do tell the truth because our publication takes no advertising . . . Our travel writers don't announce themselves and pay their own way . . . Our stories on equipment, health, and safety include interviews from people with different points of view so we can provide the unvarnished truth.

Our members know how important it is to keep up with critical travel, equipment, and safety issues when their bank accounts and bodies are on the line.

We invite you to join them. And we'll roll back the rate just for you.

2024 Chapbook In October 1999, our introductory rate was just $19.95 for six months, five 12-page issues, and in December, the fully downloadable Travelin' Diver's Chapbook, with hundreds of current reviews of dive destinations written by our readers. Today, our issues are 18 ad-free pages, chockful of critical scuba stories. And you will have access to our thriving website, with more than twenty years of travel reviews, reader reports, and issues.

So, for the next 24 hours, you can subscribe at our 24-year-old rate for just $19.95. And seven months a year, you will receive our 18-page issue delivered to your email account. And in December, you'll receive our famous 800-page Travelin' Divers Chapbook.

A Decade of Liveaboard LossesAs my gift, you can download free our 20-page 2024 booklet, A Decade of Liveaboard Losses, featuring the stories of more than 20 liveaboards that have sunk, burned, or got stuck on reefs. It's our FREE gift to you.

And, as we have done for 25 years, if you are dissatisfied at any time in the first year, I will return your $19.95, no questions asked, and the books are yours to keep. But my bet is that you'll find each month's issue unusually informative, critical, and a delight to read.

To subscribe at our 25-year-old rate, click here. But hurry. You have only 24 hours to take advantage of my money-back guarantee.

Ben Davison
Founder and Publisher

Contact Ben


Undercurrent, the Private Exclusive Guide for Serious Divers, Since 1975

Get each new monthly issue in your email on the first of the month

A Decade of Liveaboard Losses

Your own electronic copy of "A Decade of Liveaboard Losses" -- a 20 page e-book in pdf format

Full access to all issues online

The all-new electronic 800+ page 2024 Travelin' Divers' Chapbook as well as all past Chapbooks available online for free: PDF, Kindle, or EPUB formats. (2025 version available Dec, 2024)

Make your own Mini-Chapbook, with reader reports on any dive destinations where you select the dive resorts/liveaboards and reports that you want. View it online, download it, print it -- your choice.

10,000 travel reviews by serious divers covering 342 destinations and liveaboards, organized so you can find them quickly

Write your own dive trip review and it will be posted immediately on our website

More than 1,000 money-saving and life-saving articles

Preferred subscriber emails updating you on critical developments in diving, equipment and travel

My personal guarantee: all your money back, no questions asked, if not satisfied:

-- Ben Davison --

I want a seven month
membership for $19.95 along with my FREE electronic copy (i.e. ebook in pdf format) of "A Decade of Liveaboard Losses" - a $19.95 value itself!. This membership will be renewed automatically* for six months for only $26.95 when it expires -- you may cancel at any time. (former subscribers go here and use coupon code "bf2")
*You may canel the automatic renewal feature at any time here or just contact us directly

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