If you're in Los Angeles and the mood strikes,
you can easily order shark fin soup from China Gate
Restaurant for $16.95 -- even though it's against the
law. California is one of 12 states that bans the sale of
shark fins -- but that hasn't stopped a lot of restaurants
from catering to the still-significant demand for shark
fin soup in the U.S.
Every year, the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit
Animal Welfare Institute updates its list of restaurants
that serve shark fin soup and notifies state enforcement
agencies. But so far, the bans haven't stopped restaurants
in at least 10 of the 12 states. During the past two
years, at least five bills relating to the country's shark
fin trade have been introduced in Congress. All five
died, leaving the fate of sharks in the U.S. uncertain.
(Two new bills were introduced last month.)
Understaffed enforcement agencies in U.S. states
that ban shark fin say cases can be hard to make. The
shark fin trade tends to go underground; in addition,
fines and jail sentences are generally light and have
little deterrent effect.
Peter Knights, CEO of the environmental group
WildAid, says a U.S. ban on sales would send the message
that selling and consuming shark fin isn't acceptable
anymore. But, argues Robert Hueter, director of the
Center for Shark Research at Mote Marine Laboratory,
given how difficult it is for states to enforce their bans,
a nationwide ban would just drive the shark fin market
underground -- as it has done in San Francisco.
When the shark fin ban passed in California in 2013,
San Francisco marine warden William O'Brien received
a tip, and confiscated more than 2,000 pounds of shark
fin, worth at least $500,000, from a warehouse. The
accused, a shark fin wholesaler who said his family had
been in the business for four generations, pleaded no
contest -- he spent 30 days in jail, paid a court fine and
received three years' probation. Since then, the leads
have dried up. O'Brien suspects restaurants and market
owners are now storing their supplies off premises --
perhaps in their homes, which are off-limits without a
search warrant. "Essentially, the market has gone so far
underground that it requires more specialization than I
have to dig it up," he says.
In most other states, prison sentences are rare and
usually don't exceed six months for a first offense. Fines
are usually less than $1,000. By contrast, a single pound
of dried shark fin can sell for $400, and shark fin soup
can command anywhere from $50 to $200.
That's why Hueter is against a national shark fin
ban. "The folks pushing the fin ban campaign want to
simplify it -- thinking that if we ban the fin trade in the
United States, we save sharks all around the world.
That is so simplistic and so wrong." As an alternative,
he helped draft the Sustainable Shark Fisheries and
Trade Act, which Florida Congressman Daniel Webster
plans to reintroduce this session. This bill would allow
imports only from countries that prohibit finning and
promote shark conservation.
But maybe good messaging and marketing is the
better prevention method. In a recent advertisement,
Chinese basketball star Yao Ming pushes a cup of shark
fin soup across a table, while in a nearby aquarium
tank, a bleeding computer-generated shark sinks to the
bottom. "Remember," he says, "when the buying stops,
the killing can too." Since 2011, consumption of shark
fin soup in China has fallen by about 80 percent, both
because of national bans on serving shark fin at government
banquets and the effect of celebrity-backed awareness
campaigns like Yao Ming's.
Many conservationists believe similar efforts in
the U.S. would curb demand. People generally don't
give much thought to what they're eating, says Susan
Millward, director of the marine animal program at the
Animal Welfare Institute "It's just a lack of connecting
the dots with where this product came from ... these
animals are dying painfully, and their whole ecosystems
are being affected -- for what?"
-- condensed from an article by Rachel Fobar in National