Nitrox offers a number of benefits for divers, but one that's generated
some controversy is the notion that breathing Nitrox keeps us warmer
First, none can argue with a person's experience. If some individuals
claim to feel warmer when diving Nitrox, then it is difficult to argue with
that. However, many other factors influence warmth, such as whether the
diver has just eaten, the level of insulation worn, and the old "psychological
factors," which can influence us all.
Humans cool about four times faster in water than in air of the same
temperature. Body temperature remains stable only in water that's about
95oF. When we get colder, the main response is peripheral vasoconstriction
to reroute the blood away from the cold skin. We also increase heat
production via shivering and burning energy metabolically. In extreme
cold, both cold and pain receptors are stimulated, which leads to
metabolic changes in the skeletal muscle and liver cells; we would
increase our consumption of oxygen (O2) and production of carbon
dioxide (CO2).
Various studies using nitrous oxide (N2O) as an analogue for nitrogen
narcosis have demonstrated a narcosis-induced decrease in the shivering
response. Due to the inhibitory effect of narcosis on shivering,
divers are predisposed to heat loss when diving with compressed air or
other gases with a high partial pressure of nitrogen.
Both intermittent and prolonged exposure to hyperoxia (high PO2)
have been shown to suppress the metabolic response to cold in animals,
but that reaction hasn't been observed in humans immersed in cold
Experiments conducted with N2O in humans have revealed that
sub-anaesthetic levels of narcosis increase thermal comfort during mild
hypothermia. Divers perceive their body temperature to be higher than
when in identical conditions without narcosis. In other words, if you are
narked, you may feel warmer, but you're not.
Does one feeling warmer when diving Nitrox? There is no clear reason
why that should be the case, and there seem to be no published studies
of Nitrox's effect on thermoregulation. One could speculate, however,
that if a diver claims to feel less narcosis with Nitrox, then the shivering
response might not be as blunted by narcosis, so he would maintain heat
production. Future research will, no doubt, look more closely at these
nonthermal factors and their interactions with each other.
Diving with a closed circuit rebreather -- now that does indeed reduce
the heat lost through ventilation because the breathing gas is recirculated.
A version of this article, by Lynn Taylor, Ph.D., appeared in Dive New Zealand.