“American Express. Don’t leave
home without it?” Piffle. A far more
reckless action would be leaving for
a scuba trip without adequately
insuring against dive injuries and
related costs.
I recently saw a bill from a hyperbaric
facility on Cozumel for the
treatment of unexpected, uncomplicated
DCS sustained last October.
Two Table 6, two Table 5 treatments
plus related expenses, a bargain at
$14,050. Had this hapless diver sustained
injuries so severe that they
couldn’t address them on Cozumel
and required air evacuation to
Mercy Hospital in Miami, the flight
alone would have cost from $10,000
to $20,000.
After a week of diving on Provo
last October, a physician with more
than 200 dives suffered an unexpected
case of the bends on her last
day. She quickly underwent a Table 6
treatment, followed by three more over
the next three days. Her 600-mile
return trip was on a private charter,
pressurized Lear Jet to Ft. Lauderdale,
a flight of about 600 miles. The damage?
$7,200 for hyperbaric services and
$4,600 for the ride.
An acquaintance of mine needed
evacuation from a live-aboard off Panama to Miami following unexpected
DCS sustained last August.
The air service secured a charge of
$20,000 against his credit card
before rolling the craft onto the tarmac.
Had any of these divers been
stricken in remote Indonesia, the
cost of air evacuation could easily
have hit $35,000. Dan Nord,
Director of DAN Medical Services ,
told Undercurrent of an $80,000 tab
for an emergency evacuation from
Southern Africa.
Do I have your attention? Good.
Getting Covered
A prudent diver purchases dive
insurance as supplementary to his
general health coverage, as a hedge
against services that primary medical
policies deem outside their obligations.
Be aware that some standard
health policies contain exclusions
for diving related accidents, including
chamber treatment, not to mention
limitations or even exclusions
for injuries sustained outside the
To assess the adequacy of your
primary coverage, look into diverelated
hyperbaric chamber treatment
and emergency air evacuation,
both at home and abroad. Even if
your policy insures dive-related
injuries away from home, some foreign
countries will want payment or
proof of payment before you are
admitted to or discharged from the
hospital — or allowed to leave the
country. It is a near certainty that
your general health insurer will not
advance payment or make preauthorization
for such contingencies.
A dive insurance plan will usually
serve you better. They are often recognized,
particularly in foreign
countries, as reliable sources of payment,
and sometimes may even provide
cash advances or assurances of
coverage. With chamber treatment
running from $350-$1,000 per hour,
costs can mount rapidly. Yet, even
the most benevolent dive insurance may not defray eventual medical
expenses. The long-term cost of
treating such events as Type II DCS
with permanent neurological
impairment or severe pulmonary
barotrauma can be extraordinary.
Let’s have a look at the three
providers: DAN, PADI and
Dive Safe.
DAN, a nonprofit organization,
has about 200,000 members and
reports that a majority subscribe to
one of its plans. DAN’s policies are
not standard across its five international
regions, which formulate their
own policies. DAN America policies
are underwritten by United States
By all means, don’t pick a
dive medical insurance
policy just because you
want to support the organization
that offers it. |
DAN America offers three policies;
Standard ($54), Master ($64)
and Preferred ($99). Various family
plans can also be purchased. All
include up to $100,000 in
TravelAssist coverage, the DAN
membership fee of $29, a subscription
to Alert Diver magazine and
access to medical information services.
The Standard plan covers only
Decompression Illness (DCS),
which we find inadequate given the
range of possible dive-related accidents.
DAN’s two top plans provide
more substantial dive accident medical
coverage (up to $250,000/incident
with the Preferred Plan), and
incorporate death/dismemberment/
disability and reimbursement
benefits for dive gear lost as a result
of dive injury.
The Preferred Plan has some exclusive benefits, such as a $10,000
lifetime benefit ($250 deductible) for
medical nondive accidents occurring
outside the country of residence.
There is also trip cancellation/interruption
coverage for losses incurred
when an insured’s ability to dive
becomes substantially limited due to
personal sickness or injury. General
trip cancellation insurance, however,
offers much broader protection, however
at greater cost.
In addition, DAN supplies hospital
admittance/discharge deposit
advances up to $5,000 when provided
with a guarantee of reimbursement
for noncovered services. And, to control
costs, DAN refers DCS cases
requiring hyperbaric treatment to a
member of its Diving Preferred
Provider Network (DPPN), which has
about 40 chambers in the United
States. Renee Westerfield, DAN
Communications Director, told
Undercurrent that a diver needing emergency
chamber treatment, however,
will be referred to the nearest facility,
whether or not they are a member of
the Network.
All DAN policies provide up to
$100,000 DAN TravelAssist evacuation
and repatriation benefits, including
covered medical and visitor transportation
for injuries incurred at least 50
miles from the insured’s permanent
residence. Travel must be coordinated
in advance through TravelAssist, which
will make arrangements and provide a
Letter of Assurance of payment. This
in hand, emergency air service companies
feel comfortable in waking crews
from their naps.
Ancillary TravelAssist benefits
include continued medical monitoring
of the injured diver, repatriation of
traveling companions and dependent
children, return of a rental vehicle,
cash advances up to $250 for medical
emergencies, help in the recovery of
lost or stolen belongings, and a range
of personal services such as contacting
relatives and employers. They will even
send a needed prescription you left
behind .
An important consideration in
deciding on a particular DAN policy
is depth limit restriction. While both
the Preferred and Master Plans have
no depth limit, the Standard does
not cover injuries occurring deeper
than 130 feet. One may expect
never to dive deeper than 130 feet;
however, rescuing a buddy, nitrogen
narcosis, chasing a dropped camera
or that once-in-a-lifetime photo, or
even the accident itself may result in
an injury deeper than 130 feet. With
a no depth limit policy, there is no
wrangling over your “real” dive plan
or “intent” when it comes time to
settle, as can be the case with policies
containing such limits.
And, keep in mind that DAN’s
hotline is staffed 24 hours, 365 days
per year, by personnel from the
Duke University Medical Center,
who provide expert medical advice
and assistance in negotiating care
Laurie Vicencia Painter, Manager
of the PADI Diver Protection
Program, told Undercurrent the program
has about 16,000 diver plans
in force. All policies are sold and
administered by Vicencia and
Buckley Insurance Services of
Cerritos, CA, and underwritten by
American National Insurance.
PADI, of course, is a for-profit organi
zation .
PADI diver protection plans
include the Silver ($40), Gold ($60)
and Platinum ($89), with all covering
medical expenses for any dive
injury. Furthermore, PADI ’s dive
accident medical coverage is on a
per incident rather than the more
restrictive lifetime maximum basis
in all but DAN’s Preferred plan. As
with the DAN Standard Plan, PADI
Silver Protection has a 130-ft. depth
restriction. All PADI plans include
death and disability benefits, and
provide nondiving accidental death
and dismemberment coverage as
an option and at an extra premium.
The optional coverage available, and the size of the premium, is plan
dependent. Death and dismemberment
coverage, however, is commonly
part of individuals other
health policies.
PADI plans use Assist America to
provide comprehensive worldwide
assistance which, like the DAN policies,
can include hospital admission
Additionally, the top of the line
Platinum Protection provides divers
and their immediate family with
travel benefits for accident-related
emergencies of any nature. While
Assist America affords many of the
same benefits as DAN’s Travel Assist,
it has the additional advantage of
covering divers at any distance from
their permanent residence for diverelated
medical and air evacuation
services. However, PADI’s
TravelAssist emergency number is
not staffed by university-based dive
medicine experts and does not provide
a comprehensive non-emergency
dive medicine information
Dive Safe
The newest player is DiveSafe of Blaine, WA. According to Peter Meyer,
VP of the plan’s administrator, Jardine
Risk Management, Ltd., the policy was
launched this January, and has
upwards of 100 subscribers now. The
premium is $55/year and it’s underwritten
by the National Accident
Insurance Group.
Dive Safe simplicity has considerable
appeal. There is only one policy. It has
no depth limit or exclusions for tech
diving, contains no deductibles, offers
no options and requires no preapproval
for covered services. It is competitive
with DAN and PADI plans in
this price range, with lifetime limits of
$100,000 for medical dive accidents;
$10,000 for death and dismemberment,
and up to $2,500 each for repatriation
of remains, replacement of lost
dive gear, and diving vacation cancellation
or interruption. Unlike the PADI
and DAN plans that cover dive trip
cancellation when diving ability is substantially
limited by personal sickness
or injury, the DiveSafe policy requires
that the cause of cancellation be a covered
diving condition.
Like DAN and PADI dive accident
coverage, the DiveSafe policy includes
$100,000 emergency medical evacuation benefits and all the customary
support services, which are handled
by WorldNet Services. DiveSafe will
work with the diver or his or her
representative to arrange for hospital
admittance/discharge deposits
or other necessary advances for
medical services. DiveSafe hopes to
offer pre-authorize/guaranty payments
for services by summer.

So, Which Plan is Best?
As with most insurance, there is
no “one-size-fits-all.” An individual
living in a rural area who only dives
a nearby quarry will not be heavily
influenced by the $10,000 dive trip
cancellation coverage offered by
DAN’s Preferred Plan. However, he
will be interested in the requirement
that the diver must be at least 50
miles from home before DAN
TravelAssist benefits become effective.
On the other hand, for the
individual who primarily dives exotic
and far-flung venues, this situation
will be reversed.
When comparison shopping,
consider such important features as
lifetime maximum vs. per- occurrence
benefits, depth limitations,
coverage for non-diving related
injuries, coverage for significant others,
and availability of both emergency
and non-emergency expert medical
assistance. By all means, don’t pick a
policy just because you want to support
the organization that offers it. Pick a
policy that meets your needs.
Don’t get caught diving naked.
- Doc Vikingo
www.diversalertnetwork.org/insurance, (800) 446-2671. (PADI -
www.padi.org)Ph.: (800) 729-7234 ;
(949) 858-7234 DiveSafe
www.divesafeinsurance.com or call