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In our August Red Sea travel review, our writer said that the trip to a dive site "was a bumpy, spray-flecked 15-minute inflatable journey, tough with a heavy tank on my back. I was envious of those using sidemount tanks. Max, a British-born Sikh with a shaved head, was one. Sitting comfortably with his tank between his legs, he rambled on with humorous observations while we back-toters suffered."
Max's tank stood next to him during the rough journey, and when they arrived at the site, he needed only to lean forward a little and hook the tank onto the upper and lower D-rings on his BCD before back rolling in the water. After the dive, he easily unhooked it and passed it to the boatman before climbing into the RIB.
Sidemounting could be the answer for divers who suffer from back problems or just want less discomfort when not under water; it even makes your underwater time more comfortable....
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