Whatever Happened to Dive Knives? Our Recommendations
from the April, 2023 issue of Undercurrent
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Back in the day, traditional surface-supplied hard-hat divers wore a massive Siebe Gorman brass-handled knife strapped across their chests in case they needed to saw through their heavy hemp lifeline. That's where the diver's knife first entered diving mythology.
Once scuba became popular, the first thing a would-be diver bought was a dive knife capable of slaughtering a grizzly bear. Having such a weapon strapped to your leg may have been legitimate for a scuba diver when it would have been classed as an offensive weapon for anyone else. But it signaled you were a macho dude and knew what you were doing in the underwater world. Even if there were never any chance of meeting and dispatching a grizzly down there.... Subscribers: Read the full article here