The mantis shrimp is big. Typically it can be around
eight inches long. Some are even bigger. Tropical divers
are familiar with them and their compelling ability
to smash the shells of prey with a fist-like limb. Yet few
know that it is inspiring research into everything from
cancer-detecting technology and polarized lenses to
strong and lightweight composite materials.
That fist, or 'dactyl club,'
can accelerate to 50 mph
in just three-thousandths of
a second, moving so fast it
boils the water in its path.
It creates a sonic shockwave
that can kill or stun small
prey that come too close.
However, it needs to be
exceptionally tough to do
that. For example, its "periodic
region," at the internal
portion of the club, has
spiral-shaped structures that act as tiny shock absorbers
soaking up energy.

Now, scientists at the University of California
Riverside have discovered another region the outerportion of this dactyl club, an extraordinary crack-resistant
herringbone structure (called the impact region)
that protects the mantis as it attacks its prey. This
region is composed of crystalline calcium phosphate
(also found in human bone) that envelops organic
chitin fibers, which are pressed together to create a
herringbone pattern that is notably harder than that of
the periodic region.
The unique structure
allows the mantis shrimp to
inflict significant damage to
its prey by transporting higher
momentum upon impact.
Stress can be distributed
more equally, lessening disastrous
structural collapse.
Understanding the mantis
shrimp's structure is helping
scientists to develop new
super-strong materials for aircraft, armor, protective
helmets and the like, all based on the small, colorful
crustacean and the magic of the mantis shrimp.