Since our inception, we have sought out unknown destinations too
small to advertise, as well as the tried and true. As you know, our travel
writers never announce themselves, they pay their own way and don't
disclose the purpose of the trip. We have a very loyal core of well-traveled
divers writing for us, and we appreciate their dedication to anonymity
and the truth.
Coming up this year are reviews on a relatively new spot in Fiji, a
land-based resort in Raja Ampat, perhaps the most-loved dive resort
in the Caribbean, manatee diving in Florida, two different takes on
Cozumel, liveaboards in Costa Rica, Indonesia, the Philippines, the
Caribbean, the Red Sea, and much, much more.
Thanks to subscribers like you, we're able to continue to provide our
objective and opinionated reporting - free of the influence of advertisers.
- - Ben Davison