Dear Fellow Diver:
St. Eustatius is stuck in time. Our pilot landed his
single-prop Piper on a deserted runway. No one appeared.
He then took off. We rolled our gear to the small arrivals
building. The immigration agent looked at our dive bags
and luggage and asked, "Just here for the day?" Somewhere we
could hear Rod Serling's voice: "Picture an island with no
big hotels, no dining destinations, no casinos, no shopping,
no traffic, no noise, little crime and no animus from the
3,400 residents. Two divers have arrived for what they hope
will be a week of relaxation. Little do they suspect they
are diving into the Twilight Zone."
Take away the late-model vehicles and WiFi, and you
are in the late 1950's. What you will find: smiling faces,
friendly greetings and surprisingly good Caribbean diving.

Golden Rock Dive Center's E-Z Goin |
With freshly-stamped Statian visas in our passports,
we waited outside the tiny building for 10 minutes until
Robbie, the cab driver, arrived and heaved our bags into his
van for the short ride to the Old Gin House. We had expected
an ocean-view room in the newer section on the water, across
the street from the little hotel, but our reservation had
mistakenly been made for a month later and a Dutch wedding
party had taken the
better rooms. While
my buddy worked with
the hotel, I strolled
along the Lower
Town waterfront past
ruins of 18th century
storehouses to
the Golden Rock Dive
Center, where divemaster
Matt Wilson listened
to my tale of
woe and called shop
manager Michelle
Faires, who then called the Gin House, got us a room and an
upgrade to an ocean-view suite once the Dutch
had departed. The upgrade was appreciated,
as the standard residence had the tropical
mustiness of hotel rooms where windows have
no screens and thus simultaneously exclude
mosquitoes and fresh air. The mattress on the
king-size bed distressed my middle-aged back.
The wide-screen TV offered Showtime, CNN and
ESPN, but we had to go to the lobby to surf
an excruciatingly slow WiFi connection. Once
ensconced in the Ocean View Suite, we had a
great mattress, a living room and kitchenette
with a fridge we stocked with wine from the
nearby Mazinga gift shop, where prices were
lower than duty-free in St. Maarten.
On Sunday morning, Michelle's husband, Glenn, drove our gear a short way to
the shop, checked our certification cards, and reviewed the operation. Every morning
at 8:30, we tossed our gear bags onto a small trailer already laden with aluminum
80s. Matt hitched an ATV to the trailer and pushed it down the dock, where
deckhands loaded everything aboard the E-Z Goin, a 32-foot flat-top catamaran with
plenty of shade, a first-aid kit, oxygen and radio. The Gin House provided pool
towels for the divers. We set up our own rigs, analyzed our nitrox and checked the
fills, which were never below 3,000 psi. Then we headed out for the 10- to 20-minute
trips to nearby sites.
Our first giant stride from the catamaran into the 81-degree water took us to
Hangover, named for the ledges that descend from the reef top to the sand. Created
by a 40,000-year-old lava flow from The Quill, one of the island's dormant volcanos,
the spur and groove formation was well populated. An eagle ray swept past as
I followed the mooring line to the 60-foot bottom. Rock beauties nibbled here and
there, while stoplight parrotfish munched on star coral. Small tiger groupers meandered
through the sea whips. A baby hawksbill turtle emerged from under a ledge to
feed on a netted barrel sponge. At the edge of the 100-foot visibility, a small
Caribbean reef shark took a wide arc around us. Exiting the water, I handed up fins
and weight belts, and climbed the wide, padded steps at the stern. Glenn told me he had been through several ladders
before he found these. This
is typical of his attention to
Later while he was fixing my
fizzing pressure gauge, Glenn said,
"Every diver is important to me. I
want them to understand the reefs,
ecology, the fish and everything
about this place. We're not like
the big dive shops. People only
hear about us by word of mouth.
I try to give people what they
want. We've got groups that come
here from Bonaire and ask to see
sharks. So I try to show 'em
sharks." Indeed. The following day
at Nursing Station with just the
two of us, he searched the ledges
until a six-foot nurse shark
emerged and moved unhurriedly away.
Between dives, we returned to the shop for surface intervals that lasted too
long -- an hour or more beyond the scheduled 11 a.m. departures. By the time we
got back and hosed off our gear, it was past 2 p.m. and the nearby, excellent Blue
Bead Restaurant was closed. (I mentioned this to Glenn and he tried to get the
boats underway at 8:30 a.m. so we'd get back earlier). So many days, we climbed the
stone pathway to Upper Town in search of mid-afternoon lunches. The Chinese eateries
stay open all day, and at Sunny's Cantonese, we had excellent fried squid with
chili sauce and stir-fried rice. All food on the island is shipped in, even the lobster
and squid, so at $20 each, plus a few $3 Coors Lights, lunch easily set us back
$60. While the Old Gin House once sported one of the top chefs in the Caribbean, it
now serves breakfast only: pancakes, omelets, cereal, bagels and lox, or a continental
breakfast including sliced cheese and ham. When we spotted fishermen offloading
at the docks, we asked where they might be selling their catch. Advised to ignore
the menus and ask the cooks for specials, we had superb curried conch for dinner
at Willy's. Close by, Cool Corner had a cozy bar scene and brilliant garlic shrimp.
Twenty bucks seemed to be the going price for fresh seafood in Upper Town. At the
seaside Blue Bead, pizzas averaged $19, and the excellent entrees like salmon or
steak were as high as $28. The restaurant is owned by Swiss émigré Ronald Mettraux
and his wife, who also served as the chef. They were happy to add broccoli to our
pizza; this was one of the few places where I found fresh veggies.

Golden Rock Dive Center |
After the second dive, I liked to hang by the small, deep pool at the hotel,
shaded by a magnificent cherry-red bougainvillea. Other times, I walked up the hill
to Oranjestad and wandered the narrow streets past pastel-colored clapboard houses. I
explored the fort, church, and synagogue completely
on my own. Hike the Quill in the morning;
afternoons were too warm. After paying $3
for an entry tag, you can start in Lower Town
and follow the signs, or ask Robbie to drive
you to the end of the road that ascends its
lower slope.
Besides reefs, St. Eustatius has a few
wrecks. A decommissioned cable layer deliberately
sunk in 2003, the Charles L. Brown rests
on its starboard side at 98 feet. With visibility
well over 100 feet, it seemed as if I
could see from one end of the 320-foot wreck
to the other. Cautioned to avoid side compartments,
I navigated the central passageway, emerging at the stern before dropping down to pose by the props. Two heavy-bodied
great barracuda hung out at the wreck, while a school of 200 horse-eye jacks spiraled
in the distance.
What looks like a boring sand flat at Double Wreck is actually as good a critter
dive as Champagne in Dominica. Glenn set up make-up mirrors in the sand, and we
watched pike blennies and sailfin blennies battle their reflections. Rays hid everywhere
in the sand, as did a sharp-tailed sand eel. I spotted a fringed filefish hiding
in the soft coral. While I watched a lone reef squid go though its psychedelic color
changes, a school of 200 goatfish grazed their way through the sand.
There were so many southern rays embedded in the sand at Wreck Alley that I had
to check my landing spots when I settled in to look for yellow-headed jawfish or
gobies. The wrecks are an upright barge with several open, empty compartments, and a
small tug, completely covered with gold, green, and blue encrusting corals and violet
sea whips. When a new group asked to dive the "Charley Brown" two days later, Glenn
asked us several times if we didn't mind repeating a dive. It's a great dive and Glenn
left us to explore the exterior of the wreck on our own.
I requested a deep reef dive for the following morning, our last. Glenn fixed me
up with a 100 cu-ft. tank of 32-percent Nitrox at no extra cost, and we jumped into
choppy seas at West Drop Off. Great visibility again as I descended to pristine canyons
of coral and rock at 110 feet, with inviting overhangs and swimthroughs located
below nitrox depth. Great barrel sponges, gorgonians and black coral created a deep
forest. I would have happily stayed there and dived a square profile, but we ascended
to 70 feet through a barren reef, then to a healthy spur and groove reef at 45 feet,
where a curious green turtle swam with us and posed for pictures.
Our last dive had us making our way slowly through the petroleum terminal to
Aquarium, an isolated set of rock bommies in sand on the north end of the island.
Lots of tropicals, lobsters, a school of southern sennet, spotted morays, porcupine
fish and snappers, several of which were caught in the subsistence fish traps left
by local fishermen.
As you can gather, St. Eustatius is quiet, unassuming, one of the few remaining
islands of the Caribbean of yesteryear. While most of the big fish were caught long
ago, the diving is clearly better than average and the entire experience ... well, a
journey back to the 1950s, if not the Twilight Zone.
-- V.D.
Divers Compass: Mid-June departures from JFK to St. Maarten were as low
as $639 on American Airlines, and December departures start at $789;
from LAX, you can fly for as low as $800 . . . Winair ( flies from St. Maarten to St. Eustatius, and round-trips will run
between $172 to $333; Premium Class tickets do not mean you get a better
seat, they mean you have a better chance of getting on the plane .
. . If you want to go the private plane route, Ronald Mettraux can be
reached at 011-599-318-1900; you will be met at the departure tax window
in St. Maarten, whisked through emigration, and be on St. Eustatius
less than an hour after deplaning your international flight . . . At Golden Rock Dive
Center, two-tank dives with gear are $95, nitrox is $10 a tank, extra dives beyond the
10-dive package are $40, and they rent Scubapro BCs and Sherwood regs at $10 per dive
. . . There is no tip jar but if you wish to tip, Glenn will divvy it up among the
staff . . . Rates at the Old Gin House are $155 per night for the Garden View rooms
to a pricey $330 for the Ocean View Suite, double occupancy; book through Golden Rock
(with our "upgrade," we got seven nights in an ocean-view room and 10 dives each for
$2,284) . . . You may wish to check with Vacation Rentals by Owner (, they
list three houses on St. Eustatius that start at $1,000 per week . . . If you rent,
you'll need a car or scooter, so check out Reddy Car Rental by calling 011-599-318-5453
or e-mail . . . Websites: Old Gin House -;
Golden Rock Dive Center -