Diving Indonesia’s Raja Ampat
from the June, 2010 issue of Undercurrent
Here’s a definitive guide book on what
authors and marine photographers Burt Jones
and Maurine Shimlock call “the greatest repository
of tropical marine life on earth.” And anyone
who has dived it knows they speak the truth. This
146-page book is filled with descriptions of mindblowing
dive sites, along with good descriptions of
the area, the people and what you need to know to
dive there. And the photos of unusual critters will
knock your socks off.
Burt and Maurine, who post frequently on
Undercurrent’s online blog, work with Indonesian
branches of several NGOs, including Conservation
International, to show Raja Ampat’s incomparable
marine life to the world and explain why it should
be treasured. Whether or not you think you’ll ever
get to Raja Ampat, you should own this book just
to nurture your dreams. Order it now by going
to www.undercurrent.org/UCnow/bookpicks.shtm and clicking on a photo of the cover. Our
profits will go directly to tropical reef conservation.
