Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources
(DLNR) bungled its artificial reef deployment off of
South Maui in December, dropping more than 50 tons of
concrete modules on top of a pristine Maui reef, virtually
destroying it.
The state submerged about 1,400 concrete blocks to
expand the artificial reef at Keawakapu Beach, between
Kihei and Wailea, and create an additional marine life habitat,
but some of the blocks inadvertently landed on live coral.
Fragile and endemic finger coral serving as nursery habitat
for juvenile fish was crushed by the modules as the DLNR
barge dumped its load without anchoring.
Despite GPS and buoys marking the way, the DLNR
barge dropped the whole load way off target while it was
being maneuvered by a tugboat. Don Domingo of Maui Dreams Dive Shop and Terry Hunt, a former commercial net
fisherman, were two divers recruited by DLNR to help coordinate
the project. Both declined responsibility for the mishap,
blaming the barge operator. Hunt said, “Shit happens.”
DLNR is whitewashing the event, calling the damage
minimal. According to its spokesperson, “New coral and seaweed
will grow on the forms, which will provide additional
habitat to new communities of reef fish . . . artificial reefs
increase potential fishing grounds for fishermen.”
Artificial reefs are controversial with conservation groups
because they aggregate fish, making them easier targets, and
lead to overfishing. Maui does not suffer from lack of fishing
grounds but it does suffer from a lack of fish. Now fish habitat
is covered by cement blocks. And the damaged reef at
Keawekapu may now be exposed to further devastation from
natural disasters, including the giant swell on its way.
Rene Umberger is a Maui dive instructor and guide, and she also works with
the Hawaii Reef Fish Recovery Project.