Dear Undercurrent,
Regarding part two of “Why Divers Die” about overweighting
in the April 2009 issue, I believe dive operators
are partly responsible for overweighting divers. Their
goal is to get divers down by adding weight. They do not
explain that you should fully exhale, then breathe from
the lower part of your lungs to break the surface. No, it’s
“add weight, get them down.” This is why we see so many
divers swimming at a 45-degree angle, pushing water as
they go and using up air. They have too much weight on
their hips so they need air in the BCD, which is on their
upper body and causing the upright swim. But the divemaster
got them down anyway.
I started diving 18 years ago and I’ve been a PADIcertified
divemaster since 1998. I play ice hockey twice
a week, lift weights and do aerobic activity four times a
week, so at 62, I am above average in fitness. Here is the
kicker. From the South Pacific to the Atlantic, the divemasters
will ask me how many pounds I need. I wear a 2-
to 3-mil shorty suit, and I reply, “Oh, two to three.” They
usually hand me a weight belt with three or four pounds.
“I said two to three,” I repeat. The comeback: “You
need more than that.” Now after 900 dives and divemaster
training, don’t you think I would know? At this point
I hand back the weight belt, say “See you at the bottom,”
and over I go. As long as I breathe with my lungs not full
of air, no weight is needed. However, I do like to carry
weight to assist divers who need weight at safety stops.
My point: Let’s spend more time teaching divers
peak buoyancy and to breathe out of an exhaled lung.
Let them swim horizontally, use less air and descend in
a controlled manner. Let’s give ‘em less weight, not more.
- - Craig Condron, Spokane, WA