Dear Reader:
I can sum up my surface intervals in Tahiti and the
Tuamotu Islands in two words: hot and expensive. My flight
from Los Angeles was only eight hours but when I arrived at
Papeete at 4:30 a.m., the heat and humidity hit me like a
hot, wet blanket, with no air-conditioning to be found. My
flight to Rangiroa wasn’t until 8:30 a.m., so all I could
do was swap my dollars for Pacific francs at a very poor
exchange rate, then sit and sweat it out until check-in.
But, oh, the diving. An abundance of pelagics, tropical
reef fish, bright corals and strong currents made for
excellent, challenging diving. I took a land-based itinerary,
booking dives and accommodations through Top Dive,
doing 14 dives in six days at Rangiroa, and nine dives in
four days at Fakarava.
Air Tahiti flies many hour-long flights daily to
Rangiroa in twin-engine turbo props with small overhead
bins. Weight limits are strict -- 55 pounds for checked
baggage and seven pounds for carryons -- but I got lucky.
My luggage weighed 70 pounds but because I was the first in
line for check-in, tired and it was Christmas, the airline
checker skipped the $40 additional charge.

Swimming with sharks in Rangiroa |
About 200 miles
east of Tahiti, the
Tuamotu Archipelago
is composed of 78
coral atolls. The
largest is Rangiroa,
boasting the biggest
lagoon in Polynesia.
Alain Ruiz, the
French owner of
Pension Bounty,
met me at the airport.
The threemile
drive was on a narrow strip of road, the lagoon only 150
yards to the west and the ocean equidistant
to the east. There’s no town center on
Rangiroa, just a few scattered hotels, pensions,
restaurants and a pearl farm up north.
Alain runs the Pension Bounty with his wife,
The four studios of Kohu wood and red
cedar are just basic settings, with a kitchenette,
bathroom and overhead fan. Bicycles
were free of charge but if I needed a ride
somewhere, Alain would accommodate.
Half a mile down the beach was Top
Dive’s site, a small shack with a compressor.
I wanted an afternoon dive for Christmas Day, so Marina Delestain (she took novice
divers while Pascal guided advanced ones) took me for a shallow dive at Tiputa
Reef in the northern part of the atoll. It was a mellow dive, with a couple of barracuda
schools floating lazily and turtles mingling with tropical fish among hard corals.
The great stuff came the next day at Tiputa Pass, a short ride away. The current
rips at up to 10 knots when it flows from the ocean to the lagoon, and is chock-full
of hammerheads, squadrons of eagle rays and other majestic predators. Before I entered
the pass, there was nothing between me and the white sand but sharks, eagle rays and
barracudas of every size and type, swirling and mingling at an underwater cocktail
party. One problem: I was at 100 feet when they were at 150 feet or deeper. I did 11
dives in the pass, all with 75- to 100-foot visibility. As the current picked up, it
was awe-inspiring to shoot the pass with eagle rays, titan and clown triggerfish, barracudas
and gray and white-tip sharks flying through on either side. Unfortunately,
they were not always swimming through when I did, so the dives became redundant when I
didn’t have company.
The Nitrox was a great 36-percent mix in 100 cu. ft. tanks. We never exceeded
100 feet, and I took the ride three times a day but with strong currents, I sucked up
air. Because the diving was aggressive, dive times were generally enforced at 45 minutes
or 500psi, and the group surfaced together. We traveled in Zodiacs with no more
than six divers in each. I suited up beforehand, having only to strap on my tank and
slip on my fins in the boat. Gearing up with that sun beating down was a chore, but
the water at 84 degrees felt great once I was finally in. Pascal’s group backrolled in
together, dropping down immediately to get into the pass, which we entered at about 95
feet. I ducked into little valleys to get out of the current. I had to grab a rock and
pull myself down because the current was that strong. White tips and gray sharks hung
out with schooling trevallies. Trigger fish and rays floated by gracefully, mocking
my clumsy efforts to get through the current. During our surface intervals, the two
groups compared sightings. Marina’s group saw hammerheads and dolphins at their safety
stops, so we both came out even.
The most fun was getting back into the Zodiacs. I had to take my gear off and
hand it to the captain, then fin myself back up. It made for some ugly exits. Surface
intervals were at the dive shop. Top Dive provided a cooler of water but I had to provide
my snacks. I was generally back from the second dive by 11:30 a.m. After a lunch
break, the third dive started at 2 p.m. Besides a French couple, most of my fellow
divers were from the U.S. Because we were focused on the dives, and everybody else
had other accommodations away from mine, there was minimal chatter outside of comparing
fish IDs.
At the Pension Bounty, I was the lone American among Italians who spoke little
English so conversation was at a minimum, but having meals with them was still entertaining.
Meals were served picnic-style on the owner’s porch. Continental breakfast
was toast with butter, jam and scrambled eggs. Dinner was always a different catch of
the day, and Muriel used her French flair to top it with wonderful sauces. Desserts,
only as the French can make: flan, cake and chocolate mousse. Poor Muriel seemed to
be working in the kitchen day and night, but both she and Alain were friendly hosts.
The daily rate included continental breakfast and dinner. I spent $20 one day just for lunch at the Kia Ora Hotel’s restaurant. Later, I ordered takeout sandwiches for
$7. The best deal in Rangiroa: A sandwich shack one mile away near Tiputa Pass, which
served good catch-of-the-day fish sandwiches and fries for $8 to $10. I would spend my
surface intervals riding my bike to Tiputa Pass, then relax under palm trees.
One day, four of us advanced divers dived with Marina. The dolphins must love
attractive, blonde French divemasters. I descended to 60 feet, searching for my buddy
and instead found a dolphin looking back at me. It was in my face for two minutes,
within arm’s reach, and looked me straight in the eye so I waved a hello and it posed
for pictures. Each diver had one or two dolphins as escorts. They swam around us leisurely
for five minutes before going on their way. I am an air hog, and combined with
strong currents and 90-foot depths, I sucked it up. When I ran low on air, Marina was
there with the octopus. Both she and Pascal were attentive and went out of their way
to ensure everybody was enjoying every dive.
Avatoru Pass is not as deep as Tiputa, bottoming out at 70 feet, but still full
of sharks. Schools of silver tips hung out with white tips and gray reef sharks, the
first place I saw sharks being curious instead of shy. I had to duck to avoid hitting
the belly of a fat, nine-foot silver tip as he swam circles around me. I positioned
myself by holding onto rocks while sharks swam around me to satisfy their curiosity.
After 15 minutes of being ogled, I swam along the reef and saw a few wrasses, turtles,
more sharks and an occasional ray. My second dive was a carbon copy. Avatoru had
mellower waters and hard coral; not spectacular but a good contrast to the barren rock
and ripping currents of Tiputa Pass. Both offered consistent pelagic action.
On the last day of the year, I headed to Fakarava; it’s the second largest atoll
but it makes Rangiroa look like a metropolis. First, I had to go back to Papeete, the jumping-off point for all islands.
meant another sit in the sweltering airport
with only ceiling fans to cool off
with during a two-hour wait. It was one
of the few times I couldn’t wait to get
on an airplane, just for the A/C.
It was dark when I arrived at 6:30
p.m. Mathias, the Top Dive manager, was
there to meet me and drop me off at the
five-room Pension Paparara, three miles
south of the village Rotoava. I found
Ato, one of the owners, who had had a
few too many drinks. Well, it was New
Year’s Eve. But then he told me he had
expected me yesterday, so he didn’t have
a room. It was pitch black and I had
nowhere to go. Through the alcohol, he
sensed my anger and finally stuck me in
a mosquito-infested shack with no fan
or bathroom. I knew I would have to go
without hot water but I wasn’t expecting
to share a bathroom with five other
people. To top it off, the other guests
had a New Year’s Eve party right outside, with a campfire sending smoke into my room
all night, so I lost the party mood.
I was up at 6:30 a.m., looking for the Top Dive Shop, wanting to leave Fakarava.
Everybody else, of course, was sleeping off the New Year celebrations. I finally found
the dive shop, located at the upscale hotel Le Maitai. At 7:30 a.m., a hotel employee
showed up and I called Lucien Schmidlin, Top Dive’s owner, in Bora Bora to find a
solution but he was traveling and no one else could handle travel matters. I was not
happy. Mathias showed up at 8:15. He did not want to deal with this but he went down
to the Pension and negotiated in French with Ato, who promised a room with a bathroom
after 4 p.m. Rooms are called bungalows on the beach, but I still found mine to be
substandard, basically a plywood shack with a small ceiling fan 15 feet overhead.
At least the dinners were wonderful. It was fresh catch every day from Ato’s sons
and their fishing poles. Ato’s wife, Corina, cooked the fish in vegetables and rivaled
Muriel with wonderful French sauces; white rice and bread were there to soak them up.
Dinners were served in a large, open-door room, with separate tables for reading and a
bar area against the kitchen wall. Guests sat at the large dining table on the other
end and the family joined in. The other meals were paltry. Continental breakfast was a
piece of fruit, bread and jams. Lunch was an extra $20 and usually spaghetti or leftovers.
One of the sons and his girlfriend spoke broken English so I had a little conversation,
but I found the owners arrogant and ambivalent.
However, the diving was spectacular. The hard corals were a carpet of the most
vibrant colors I’ve seen underwater. Mushroom, brain and plate corals lay scattered
in bommies of rainbow hues. They paired with equally dazzling tropical fish -- flame
angelfish, yellowback fusiliers, Moorish idols, puffer fish, snappers of just about
every type, size and color. The pelagics were also out en masse with sharks, wrasses,
and great barracudas. Same for the currents. At Garuae Pass, it was at least three
knots and I had to claw my way up a ridge, then down, and then back up. I rested at
the top, looked up and saw the payoff: at least 75 small gray reef sharks swimming
around me in the current.
The Top Dive shop at Le Matai is new and nice. Rental equipment is all modern
Aqua Lung and the rinse tanks are impressive. Nitrox was not yet available but the 100
cu.ft. tanks were. It was far easier to climb into this 35-foot dive boat that could
sit up to 10. The other operators used Zodiacs or small boats for the 25-minute ride
each way. Nice tank-holding area and a table to set cameras. I arrived at 9 a.m. for
the ride to the northern pass, came back in for lunch and took off again around 2 p.m. Food options were few. Top Dive did not provide snacks and there was no place to buy
any. When I asked Mathias where to go for lunch, he pointed to the Le Matai hotel restaurant,
but they wanted $45. I made do with my protein bar. There wasn’t much to do
when not underwater, just relaxing under palm trees and watching the endless ocean.
Mathias spoke excellent English but always seemed to be more concerned about dust
on floors or water splashing in the rinse area then being friendly to his guest – me.
I was disappointed we could not do three dives a day. I finally got a third one in on
the last day, after pestering Mathias daily. There were multiple excuses: the current
was not right or some other such B.S. I dove only the northern pass which is more than
a half-mile wide. The Tamakohua Pass in the south was reported to be better because it
held more concentrated sea life in a narrower pass only 200 yards wide. But I was generally
the only diver, Tamakohua was two hours away and Mathias told me he needed at
least four divers, so I did not press it. At trip’s end, I talked to a couple who had gone Tamakohua but it had taken them three days just to arrange a boat with enough divers.
They told me it was the same sea life, just more concentrated.
My favorite dive was the Passe Nord Garuae. I started out swimming against a
strong current and climbed up a ridge. Ahead of me were 50 sharks maneuvering through
the current. I swam down into a valley 60 feet deep and at least 100 yards long. The
bottom was a mixture of white sand and small, popcorn-shaped coral in soft shades of
beige, purple and blue. School after school of trevallies, soldierfish, gobies, Moorish
idols, sea pearch, goatfish and big-eyed beams floated motionless but casually parted
as I swam through them. Above me patrolled gray sharks and five huge Napoleon wrasses.
Top Dive sells dive vouchers and it’s best to purchase these before starting the
trip. I had saved tickets for Fakarava while in Rangiroa because I heard the former
was remote, with no banks or ATMs. But Marina in Rangiroa charged me substantially
more than I was quoted for extra dives. In hindsight, I didn’t need all those tickets
because I didn’t do the three dives a day in Fakarava. After my trip, I e-mailed
Lucien about my experience. Three days later, he gave me a $250 refund for my unused
dive tickets and a price adjustment because of the experience at Pension Paparara,
where I should have been paid to stay. If you go, demand a guarantee of three dives a
day, weather permitting, as well as better accommodations.
But I cannot fault the diving! The atolls don’t have Palau’s soft corals or
biodiversity, but it is paradise for pelagic fanatics. They also hold their own in tropical reef fish and rainbow colors. Because of the strong currents, novice divers
should build up their skills elsewhere so they can fully enjoy Tuamotu drift diving.
Come prepared with a portable fan, lots of sunscreen and a full wallet. With those
three essentials, you’ll fully enjoy this side of paradise.
-- S.J.
Diver’s Compass: Through Top Dive, I booked 13 days and 23 dives on
both atolls for about $3,500; tips were another $350 ... Top Dive
offers Nitrox in Rangiroa at no extra charge; it’s not available in
Fakarava ... It offers a prepaid 10-dive package at each atoll; for
extra dives, you can negotiate the price down but make sure you get
the price in writing ... Qantas and Air Tahiti Nui fly to Papeete from
Los Angeles, and fares start at $1,600 ... Air Tahiti offers one to
four flights daily to each atoll ... Pack light and be prepared in
light clothes when you land in Papeete ... The ATM outside the airport
bank charges a 50 percent exchange rate but it’s best to exchange money in Papeete
because it’s more expensive elsewhere in French Polynesia ... I recommend Pension
Bounty in Rangiroa ( In Fakarava, consider either Pension
Havaiki or Pension Tokerau (information about both is at http://english.islandsadventures.
com)... ... Bring snacks from home since they are few and expensive on both
atolls ... Also bring a converter ...Top Dive’s Web site: