When you go diving abroad, you no doubt
return with a fistful of foreign currency. It now
resides in your home, in a box at the bottom of
a drawer. Why not save a reef with it?
If you send me those foreign bills, I will
send you a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution
(Undercurrent is a 501 (c) 3 organization
and contributions are tax deductible). I
will exchange them at our bank and then give ALL
the money to one of two projects – and you may designate
where you want your gift to go. Feel free to
write a check if you don’t have foreign currency or to
supplement the foreign bills:

Belize: Outfit a sailboat to stop reef poaching: In southern Belize, the 133-island Port Honduras
Marine Reserve is managed by a small nongovernmental
organization. There is a ranger station on
Abalone Caye, near the reserve’s most sensitive area,
which has led to a decrease in the illegal poaching of
manatees and other marine species. Still, poaching is
a serious problem, especially when rogue fishermen
– some of who come north from Honduras – target
these preserves under the cover of darkness.
The reserve is underfunded. The cost of fuel is
making it impossible to patrol the area regularly.
The park rangers’ solution is to repair and outfit
their sailboat for overnight patrols where poaching
is concentrated. The sail boat, so silent at night, will
help them stop gill-netters from illegally fishing these
breeding grounds and aid in their capture. The
rangers would even overnight on the cays to nab the
poachers. You can help them launch their boat
Fiji: build a school, save a reef: At the southern
tip of Taveuni, Fiji, are virgin reefs and beautiful
rain forest under the control of Vuna Village chiefs.
Fishermen want the fish on the reefs and loggers covet the trees, and the citizens of Vuna Village need
the money that will be paid by these outsiders for the
rights to log and fish. But our partner Seacology has
struck an agreement with the Chiefs to establish two
marine protected areas totaling 3,010 acres and also
protect a 4,752-acre forest preserve (silt from logging
destroys reefs). The village has agreed to protect
the reef and forest, in return for a much-needed
schoolhouse. The project needs to be completed by
June and needs additional money to guarantee it is
completed on time and the reefs and forest are protected.
So, wrap up those foreign bills and send them to
Undercurrent, POB 3020, and Sausalito, CA. Pick a
project or let us decide which needs your tax-deductible
gift. Take a moment right now and track down
those foreign bills. And feel free to include a taxdeductible
personal check as well. You may also
donate on our website by clicking on the home page
of Undercurrent.
If divers don’t save the reefs, who will? Thanks for
your support.