North American scuba divers
have three general dive magazines
at their disposal: Skin Diver and Scuba Diving, which are put
out by two publishing giants, and
Sport Diver, which is PADI’s
attempt to get a slice of the
advertising market. Each of the
three is driven by advertising that
is apparently aimed at newer
divers who want to travel — for
example, the May issue of Skin
Diver has eight pages of advertisements
from Grand Cayman alone.
Three much smaller magazines
— Advanced Diver, Immersed, and Fathoms — publish on the
fringes of the market. Each is
aimed at a distinct niche within
the diving field and each has its
own merits. Advanced Diver and
Immersed are rather crudely edited,
littered with perverse punctuation
and grammatical glitches.
But reading them is like chatting
with the most knowledgeable
diver in your dive club — or the
biggest loudmouth on a liveaboard.
Not exactly poetic, but
plenty informative. Fathoms, on the
other hand, is the closest thing to an
underwater coffee table magazine
since Ocean Realm (see sidebar).
Advanced Diver is, in the publication’s
own words, “designed for the
Advanced Openwater Diver to the
most extreme Technical Explorer.”
It publishes four times a year on
what seems to be an irregular schedule.
The most recent issue (#10, with
no date and eighty-five pages) feaon tures articles on wreck and cave
diving, deep diving in the Florida
Keys, scientific analyses of new
decompression models, and
maintenance of Nitrox mixing
equipment. There’s a Coral Sea
travel spread written and photographed
by legendary Bob
Halstead, a report of a wild dolphin
expedition shot by Dan
Malone and Wes Skiles, and a historic
piece entitled “Technology
and Guts.”
“For serious traveling divers who
aren’t up to being techies,
Fathoms is a fine publication.” |
Editor/Publisher Curt Bowen
is a better writer than editor. His
own articles (such as his recent
review of JW Fishers’ side scan
sonar) are meticulously crafted.
But picture captions and other
contributors’ text are inconsistent.
For example, no one seems
to know how to use apostrophes
(“conditions were good enough
to capture a number of
photo’s”). If you can breeze right
by these minor transgressions,
you’ll get the inside scoop on esoteric
diving not only from the
text, but also from the advertisers.
Advanced Diver supports itself
not by subscription income but
by advertising. The #10 issue carries
forty-five advertisers, primarily
cave or deep dive operations
such as Akumal Dive Shop or
Scuba North in Traverse City, MI.
Most equipment ads are from
technical manufacturers you’ve
probably never heard of (Ocean
Management Systems, e.g.), with
an occasional brand that crosses
over from recreational to tech
diving, like Zeagle.
Immersed is published by Bob
Sterner and Bernie Chowdhury,
author of the bestseller The Last
Dive about the death of a fatherson
team that had been exploring
a newly discovered German
U-boat 230 feet down. Immersed is
a quarterly, in its seventh year of
publication. Besides Chowdhury,
Immersed has featured contributors
such as underwater pioneer
Ellsworth Boyd, the late free diving
legend Jacques Mayol, and a
stable of lesser names. It emphasizes
underwater archeology,
wreck diving, and cave diving.
Regular departments include
Technically Destined (dive sites
for tech divers), Rigging for
Success (equipment tips), Tech
Direct (an info exchange for
readers), Tech Spec (product
reviews), and book reviews. More
slick than Advanced Diver,
Immersed could still use a better
proofreader. But it’s not afraid to
tackle controversial subject matter,
such as UNESCO’s plan to
manage and preserve shipwrecks
and underwater archeological
sites. The reporting seems objective,
fair, and balanced; no one’s
on a soapbox. Immersed’s spring
issue (sixty-six pages plus cover),
is supported by larger and less
technical advertisers than you’ll
find in Advanced Diver; there are
thirty-two ads for associations such
as DAN and PADI, equipment like
DUI dry suits, and techie dive
shops or operators such as
Divetech in Grand Cayman.
Fathoms is a different read altogether.
Edited by longtime industry
insider-gadflies Fred Garth and
Brett Gilliam, veterans of Scuba
Times and DeepTech, this quarterly
has gorgeous photography and an
edgy, conversational tone of unvarnished
irreverence. In the
winter/spring issue, only the third
published to date, Garth and
Gilliam advise, “When reading
Fathoms, be sure to bring a healthy
sense of humor or we’ll make you
stand over there with the drooling
zealots wearing buttons that say
‘Save the Whales: Collect the
Whole Set.’” Articles are as long as
the subject merits, from a two-page
interview with Jim Church to a sixteen-
page fawning layout on Stan
Waterman. Photo spreads from
pros like Stuart and Michele
Westmorland are chosen to offer
unique perspectives, not the usual
cliches. Underwater photography,
such as a recent spread on digital
cameras and accessories and a
photo essay by Gilliam celebrating
the color blue “in all its hues and
exuberance,” gets more editorial
attention than in the other two magazines. Travel articles also
seek a unique slant, with titles
like “Yap: More than Mantas.”
Gilliam told Undercurrent that he
will limit advertising, and the winter/
spring issue of Fathoms reflects that policy. Sixteen ads
are clustered in the front and
back, with manufacturers like
Atomic Aquatics and Dive Alert
competing for reader attention
with dive operators like St. Croix
Ultimate Bluewater Adventures
and the Odyssey live-aboard in
Truk Lagoon. Interestingly, all
three magazines tout trips they
sponsor, usually with a “celebrity
host,” often the publisher.

Fathoms uses less tech jargon
than either Advanced Diver or
Immersed, it’s printed on better
quality paper, and it’s more professionally
produced. For serious
traveling divers who aren’t up to
being techies, Fathoms is a fine publication.
PS: Yes, I know, Undercurrent too
has had its problems with proofreading.
So earlier this year we
hired a professional, online, proofreading
service and I think the bugs
have nearly disappeared.
* * * * * *
Fathoms: Subscriptions are $30
for one year, $55 for two. Order tollfree
at (888) 778-9073 or at
Advanced Diver: Subscriptions are
$25 for four issues, $45 for eight.
Order from PO Box 21222,
Brandenton, FL 34204-1222 or at
Immersed: Subscriptions are
$19.95 for four issues plus one back
issue. With a two-year subscription
($34.95) you get a choice of four
back issues. Write to PO Box 638,
Chester, NY 10918-9914, or click on