Dear Fellow Diver:
Why American divers avoid the Philippines is a mystery
to me. The coral reefs surrounding this nation of 7,100
islands are among the most important -- and beautiful -- in
the world, providing a habitat for just about the most
diverse marine animal species anywhere. Only Sulawesi in
Indonesia can compare with the diversity of Southern Luzon
and Mindoro.
The Philippines is the third largest English speaking
country, a plus for us language deficient Americans.
Filipinos generally like Americans and our culture --
indeed, most fervently embrace us. It’s an inexpensive
country in which to travel. A bottle of excellent San
Miguel beer costs $0.60 just about anywhere. Fine resorts
are priced well under $100 a night, excellent meals less
than $10, and taxis are dirt cheap. Because Filipinos are
avid divers, two tank boat dives are set at a level they
can afford, often less than $30. And flying to Manila is
cheaper than flying to Fiji or even Honduras. In April, my
round trip fare on China Airlines from San Francisco to
Manila was $599, thanks to Travelocity. Nevertheless, nearly
every foreign diver I met in my eight-week sojourn was
from Europe.
Still, Americans get nervous when they read about Abu
Sayyaf and the MILF, and the occasional kidnapings and even
beheadings. These rogues kidnapped Americans from Sipadan
Island in Malaysia three years ago. However, keep in mind
that they operate far south in the Philippines, so unless
you visit Mindanao or the southern chain of islands called
the Sulu Archipelago (hundreds of miles from the Tubbataha
Reef system in the Sulu Sea) you have nothing to worry about.
Americans are also mindful
that dynamite fishing destroys
reefs. Yet I made 150 dives on
this trip -- the spoils of
retirement -- and saw dynamite
destruction but three times. The
dive operators will not let
destructive fishing damage the
reefs they depend upon for business.
Diving is usually done from
bancas, long, stable boats with
outriggers, powered by truck
diesel engines. Most are 30 to
40 feet long and 8 feet wide.
They usually have canopies over
the center so people can stay in
the shade and even take naps
during a surface interval. The
backroll is the way to get into
the water, and most bancas have
small portable ladders that
extend six inches under the surface
of the water. Divers normally
handed up their gear before
climbing aboard. Divemasters are
always in the water: the one
constant in the Philippines is
that divers are never supposed to
be out there by themselves.
Even if you’re diving the house
reef, you still must have a
buddy. Dive guides are expected
to find rare critters and show
them to the divers.
To give you an idea of why to
consider the Philippines for your
next dive destination, let me
whet your appetite with a review
of the three dive destinations
that I visited this year.
Club Ocellaris: While people
spend thousands of dollars to get
to Papua New Guinea or the
Indonesia hinterlands for small
critters and muck diving, critter
diving is just about as good here. In fact, I might compare it with “Hairball” in
Lembeh Straits near Manado, Indonesia. Last year, I spent a week at Club O, this
year two weeks, because of a dive site of which I can never tire. I’ve seen professional
photographers dive “Basura” four times a day for a week, refusing to go
elsewhere. Basura is the Spanish word for “garbage,” and a lot of human junk is
scattered here.
The trash makes a wonderful habitat for all kinds of cryptic and
rare critters. It was not uncommon to hear “I found the ghost pipefish right next
to the cutoff blue jeans.” The best stuff is between 6 and 50 feet and some as
deep as 100 feet. At night, it seems like many critters that live deeper come crawling up or swimming close to the beach.
Thanks to guides like Homer and Perry, I can
count on seeing every species and color of
ghost pipefish and frogfish, the flamboyant
cuttlefish, the rare seamoth, and the beautiful
searobin. Here I saw wonderpus, the
extraordinary mimic octopi, spooky bobbit
worms, Ambon scorpionfish, crocodile snake
eels, and photogenic harlequin shrimp dining
on a blue seastar. And this has to be the
nudibranch capital of the world, not to mention
the really strange critters like melibes
and pleurobranchs that live here. All divemasters
pride themselves on being able to find
rare animals. Basura may not be pretty, but
it is one of the best critter sites in the
But there is even more here. Beatrice
Reef, located to the east of Sombrero Island,
is an irregularly shaped reef with lots of small
canyons, swim-throughs, stair steps, and small walls. The reef is lushly covered
with soft and hard corals and when there is current, hordes of colorful anthias are
dancing just above the reef. The sheer numbers and kinds of nudibranches here are
amazing. One thing to note: there are not many large fish here.
Club O, a basic dive resort on Balayan Bay in the province of Batangas, is 2.5
kilometers by car to the south of the Manila airport. The owner, Boy Venus (yes,
that’s his real name), will arrange an airport pickup and drive for $50. Boy, a
good-natured, enthusiastic diver, created Club O as a vacation spot for himself and
his friends, who come to the resort on weekends and dive with their own divemasters.
Club O is at the foot of a forested cliff, overlooking the ocean, about 100
feet below the main road. The top floor consists of five large rooms, each with two
pairs of bunk beds and a bathroom. They don’t have AC, but large floor fans kept me
comfortable at night. There is a large veranda with couches and chairs and tables
where I worked on my camera. Boy will try to put you and your buddy (if you have
one) in a room by yourselves. One weekend I shared a room with Boy and his girlfriend;
they slept on the veranda, leaving me the room to myself. Weekend guests
usually bed down outside on the decks. Down one floor is the dining room, open on
two sides and used mostly during rainy weather. Another flight down is the open
terrace, where they serve meals al fresco next to the sea. They keep an ice chest
filled with soft drinks and beer. The dive gear area is a short distance away,
where there are an outdoor shower and
large water tanks for rinsing gear. A
final set of steps takes you to the beach
and the bancas. There is no beach diving.

Malapascua |
Boat rides to the sites ranged from
five minutes to an hour. The schedule is
to have two morning boat dives, one
afternoon boat dive, and a night boat
dive (even if only one diver wants to
go). At shallow critter sites, 90 to
120-minute dives were common.
Photographers and sightseers take separate
bancas and never visit same site. Club O folks have a great understanding
of what underwater photographers
want. Unlimited bottom
time? No problem. Go back
to the boat to change film in
the middle of a dive, then go
back down again? Go for it. You
decide when and where to dive
and when to eat. My buddy and I
agreed that night dives at 10:00
P.M. were preferable, so we
asked to eat dinner at 7:00 P.M.
but have our soup and dessert at
11:30 P.M. when we got back. No
problem. My buddy fell in love
with the mangoes and asked for
them every morning for breakfast
and every evening for dessert.
Nothing else. No problem. The
price for all this? $120 a day,
which is on the high side for
the Philippines. Yet that
includes the four boat dives,
room, buffet meals, and all the
mangoes you can eat.
Sabang Inn. For $2 it’s a
2-hour trip on a Sabang Princess
banca from Batangas, then a twominute
walk to the Sabang Inn.
Sabang is a small beach town,
packed with apartments, condos, small hotels, dive shops, restaurants, bars, discos,
and lots of young people. Few dive destinations can compete with Sabang for allnight
action. Everything is compactly located, so it is only a few minutes’ walk to
any night spot. The 16-room Sabang Inn has basic rooms for $18. Add $3 for hot
water and another $3 for an ocean view. Rooms include a kitchenette, AC, and cable
TV (65 channels). A small pool next to the dive gear area is good for rinsing the
salt off your skin. The Sabang Inn offers breakfast and lunch, and a host of decent
restaurants are nearby. I made 21 dives during the week and, all told, spent about
Compared with the Club O, reefs here are prettier, with more schools of
larger fish, such as sweetlips and snappers. Large groupers are uncommon, though I
did see several large potato cod at Hole in the Wall. Sites like Fishbowl are 130
to 165 feet deep and require decompression. At Drydock, currents are strong. I
needed my reef hook to shoot the huge mangrove jacks that hung out inside the drydock.
The variety of exotic critters around the Sabang Wrecks is similar to Basura,
but most divemasters lack the training to find them regularly. Three wooden wrecks
in the Sabang harbor are habitat for ghost pipefish and frogfish. On the bottom (20
to 65 feet), a sharp-eyed diver can spot all kinds of strange animals. I saw a
blue-ringed octopus -- its bite will kill you -- the blue-fin lionfish (supposedly
endemic to north Bali) and pygmy seahorses. It’s an excellent night dive. With the
lights from Sabang, it’s hard to get lost and one could swim to shore in a pinch.
The Canyons, one of the fishiest sites in the Philippines, is the signature
dive site at Sabang. Depending on the current, the direction of the dive, and which
of the three canyons you dive, will vary, creating a feeling of newness even after
diving the site several times.
Each canyon has its own resident fish: ribbon sweetlips, paddletail snappers,
harlequin sweetlips,
oriental sweetlips,
and a variety of other
snappers and sweetlips
tend to school in the
same areas.
Dive operators
mix divers of all skills
and limit the length of
dives. Still, I could
get 70 minutes on dives
to normal depths. Three
boat dives a day run
$39. And they have Nitrox. Sabang Divers uses planing skiffs with large outboards
that get to most sites in five minutes and return you to the resort after each dive.
If you have a buddy, you can dive the house reef anytime, with no extra charge for
tanks. Sabang tries to follow PADI rules, but they are relaxed about diving beyond
130 feet and developing a decompression ceiling. Several Sabang dive operators are
heavily into technical diving. One Action Diver instructor apparently holds the
world’s open water depth record of more than 1000 feet. The dive only took nine and
a half hours.
Malapascua Island Exotic Dive Resort: I returned to Manila and flew round trip
to Cebu City for $100. Cebu Pacific does not charge for luggage weighing more than
20 kgs if you show them a C-card. For $35, I hired a car and driver for the fourhour
drive north to Maya at the north tip of Cebu, then spent $10 to hire a boat
for the half-hour ride to Malapascua Island.
Unlike my previous two destinations, this felt like a luxury resort. Four
new buildings sit along on a pretty, sandy beach with many palm trees, lots of hammocks
and chaises, a bar, and a full restaurant. Rooms with AC, a large bathroom,
comfortable beds, and a lanai overlooking the beach are less than $25. At happy
hour, you can get two shots of tequila for the price of one: $1.40. Good dinners
run $4 to $6. The club sandwich at $2.20 consisted of tuna, egg, ham, cheese, and
veggies between five slices of bread. Chilled bottled water ran $0.50.
Two divemasters are Dutch and one is Filipino. The signature dive leaves at
6:00 A.M. for Monad Shoal, a thresher shark cleaning station at 80 feet. I did the
dive six times and saw four thresher sharks on five dives. Twice I had a 15-foot
thresher shark come close enough to use my 28mm Nikonos lens. I also found
magnificent mandarin fish here. Like all mandarin fish, they never come out unless
they sense that I am out of film or my strobe has powered down. They have Nitrox,
and for this and other dives, provide half a dozen tanks with mixes between 34.9 and
37.1. The first diver there gets his pick.
The best diving is the marine preserve at Gato Island, a two-dive trip with a
45-60-minute boat ride. The island, itself, is honeycombed with tunnels and swimthroughs.
All have vertical routes to the surface and most are light enough to be
safe to enter during the day. Exploring them is great fun. Some undercuts hold
good-sized white tip sharks, napping away the day before their evening hunt. But
some white tips are also active, and to entertain you there are Pegasus seamoths,
ornate and robust ghost pipefish, yellow pygmy seahorses, lots of smooth and thorny
seahorses, large Spanish dancers, and other nudibranchs. Schools of large mouth
mackerel, many vermiculated angelfish, a few dogtooth tuna, and even a small whale
shark made this diving very special.
They run an all-day (leave at 5:00 A.M., return at 6:00 P.M.) exploratory dive safari to Maripipi Island and other islands. They have a wreck dive on the
Dona Marilyn, a ferry that went down in 1984 with the loss of 2,000 souls, a dive
on a Japanese WWII wreck, and many pretty soft coral sites. Dives are $20 and for
a buck more you can get 35 percent to 37 percent Nitrox, to extend your 75-foot dive
from 40 minutes to 80.
So, if you’re a fish photographer, put the Philippines high on your list.
March through May is normally the warmest time of the year because it has the least
rain. The water is 78 to 79F in March, warming to 82 to 84F in May during a normal
year. June brings monsoon season. Diving is still OK, but heavy rains can reduce
the visibility and ambient light. From July through October there is a significant
risk of typhoons (hurricanes) anywhere north of about 11 degrees latitude.
-- T.A.
Diver’s Compass: All the operators have you sign a waiver and provide
your C-card number and level of certification; overall, the
“big brother quotient” is very low. Everywhere aluminum 80s are
the norm, always filled to 3000 psi. All boats have cell phones to
call for help. There are chambers at Anilao and Sabang. Most
places cook American breakfasts, with eggs, bacon, and orange juice
for $2.50. Lunch and dinner are often buffet style with barbequed
chicken, pork, steamed fish, curries, steamed rice, shrimp, or lobster. Filipinos
are very aware of American eating habits. After all, they have Denny’s, McDonald’s,
Burger King, etc., in all the larger cities. Most traveling divers are either
Europeans who mostly don’t tip or Asians who tip little. Even Aussies and Kiwis
rarely tip. I always tip my Club O dive guide and it is very much appreciated.
Club Ocellaris: e-mail: Boy Venus; Sabang Inn Dive Resort
phone: +63-973-490 101; e-mail:; Web site:;
Malapascua Island Exotic Dive Resort: phone: +63 (0) 32-4370983;
e-mail:; Web site: