Dear Fellow Diver:
As I finned into the lava tubes at Shark’s Cove, I
was grateful to be following our dive guides through the
labyrinth of swim-throughs and caverns. The extensive
tunnel system at Sharks’ Cove is not for beginners -- nor
unescorted divers. Eventually Juan and Steve led our group
of four divers to the Elevator, a vertical tube that brought
us to open water within 15 feet of the surface. In 50-foot
visibility, I spotted plenty of the green sea turtles that
have again become common in the waters of Oahu’s North
Shore. By calmly approaching, I could get great close-up
photos and even stroke their shells.
Throughout the dive, schools of yellowfin goatfish
surrounded me. In the nearby coral heads I found colorful
indigenous marine life including lagoon triggerfish and the
aptly named psychedelic wrasse. Males have a brown body,
orange and blue head, yellow and blue-striped tail; females
have a dark brown body with fine white spots and a bright
red tail. And here were magnificent Picasso triggerfish,
the Hawaiian state fish, known as the humuhumunukunukuapuaa,
which means “nose like a pig.” It is featured in the
Hawaiian song “I want to go back to my little grass
shack...” (a song you are no doubt too young to remember).
Star-eye and regal parrotfish added to the color spectrum.
Blackside hawk fish that were perched on coral heads dived
into them when I approached. By looking closely through the
folds of lava rock, I spotted decorator urchins and crabs.
My editor, Ben, asked me to write about the north
shore of Hawaii, because most people visiting Oahu hang
around Honolulu and tourist divers don’t venture much
farther. But it’s the north shore where all the beauty is
-- and, I might say, surprisingly decent diving compared with the rest of Oahu.
And while it’s
unlikely that you’ll come to Oahu just
for a diving vacation, it is likely
that at least once in your life you’ll
stay in Honolulu -- perhaps because
your nondiving spouse insists, or
perhaps for a long layover from a
longer trip. So keep the North shore
in mind.
In July, I dived with the conservation-
minded Deep Ecology, owned by
Pat Johnson, a Pacific Bell retiree.
I could gauge the commitment of the DE
staff to environmental concerns by the
eleven large ghost fish nets from nearby
reefs piled behind the dive shop/art
gallery. Dozens of photos show DE staff
rescuing marine life (nearly forty
green sea turtles to date) from fish nets and other flotsam and working to ensure
that the Conservation District is kept pristine. DE’s reputation has attracted a few
celebrities. Three years ago they certified four new Baywatch Hawaii cast members,
babes included. These folks know how to mix business with pleasure.
DE’s colorful 22-foot inboard boat (painted on the sides and bottoms with
murals of dolphins, turtles, and other critters) took a half-hour to reach Car Wash,
one of their sites. The boat holds six divers max, and even with three crew we managed
well. Larry, the boat captain and a native Hawaiian, regaled us with tales of
his college days at Indiana University and growing up in Hawaii with Don Ho (who
still sings “Shiny Bubbles” at the Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel in Honolulu). Twentysix-
year-old Juan, a transplanted
Mexican who has lived on Oahu
since the age of two, is a highly
skilled divemaster and ship’s captain.
Stuart is a 21-year-old
part-Cherokee Hawaiian. This
inter-national crew has done hundreds
of dives here; gave us complete
briefings on topography and
sea critters; and allowed plenty
of time and space to explore the
reef or to take that extra photo.
On Larry’s signal we
back-rolled off the boat and
descended into 70-foot visibility,
surrounded by a large school of
yellowfin surgeonfish and coils of
gently floating red egg casings
of the Spanish Dancer. Due to
their colorful folds, they are
also known as Mermaids’ purses.
On the 50-foot bottom, I saw a
huge Triton trumpet. Small
tropical fish abounded, such as
the black and white striped
Moorish idol and endemics like the Picasso triggerfish. Car Wash
was a turtle haven. I saw at
least a dozen green sea turtles
during our dive, many in the 2-
to-3 foot size. After an hour, I
handed my gear to the boat captain
and climbed aboard the platform
he had lowered.
Between dives, we snacked
on a light lunch consisting of
veggie sandwiches, chips and
juices -- protected by the sun
roof -- then headed to Atlantis.
On the 40-foot depth bottom, I
saw plenty of algae growing on
coral and lava, suggesting an
excess of nutrients, most likely
pollution runoff from the island.
A turtle came out of one lava
cave, and I passed a Spanish
dancer floating gracefully along
like a bright red handkerchief in the wind. One diver pointed out a pipefish, and I
saw plenty of tiger cowries in crevices and lava rocks. This was indeed a critter
intense dive, as I also discovered a bright yellow Commerson’s frogfish, which can
grow to more than 12 inches. Even with their yellow (or red, orange or brown)
color, they can be difficult to spot, as they expertly use their color to blend into
their habitat. They move so slowly that they often have algae growing on them as
additional camouflage.
One afternoon dive here, I found a large Hawaiian hapu’u, or black grouper,
lying on the bottom. I just missed putting my hand on a piece of rock that turned
out to be a devil scorpionfish, aptly named and extremely well camouflaged by its
dull gray color and algae cloak. Spectacled parrotfish nibbled the coral heads.
Seemingly-hypnotized stocky hawk fish lounged on their lava rock or coral head
perches. Zebra and white mouth morays peered from coral heads, so unconcerned about
divers that I could get dramatic close-up pictures.
At Spontaneous (depth 60 feet), a magnificent snake eel met me when I first
entered the water. One diver found a small Hawaiian lionfish, whose long dorsal and
pectoral spines are venomous. I discovered (and left behind) several tiger cowries,
one more than four inches in diameter. Nowhere do tiger cowries (and many other
shells) reach the size that they do in Hawaii. I also spotted a Hawaiian lobster,
which a diver can take in the “r” months. This led Captain Larry to observe that we
were diving during “Ju-rye,” and next month was “Aur-gust!”
The underwater topography is similar to other Hawaiian islands, with healthy,
noncontagious coral reefs, but no soft coral, and without the riot of color that one
finds in the south Pacific, or even the Caribbean. But the muted background causes
the bright fish to illuminate the landscape. My north shore dives included some disappointments,
such as algal growth at Atlantis and Car Wash, and bleached coral at
Spontaneous. And, while DE was generally efficient operation, one day we waited
more than three hours to depart because the boat’s engine needed a part. Pat apologized
and discounted our dive, something few operators would have done.
DE led shore dives as well. While one can dive unguided, conditions can catch
divers or snorkelers unaware. While I was there, two snorkelers in their mid-30’s
drowned when they were caught just outside calm Haunauma Bay. Keep in mind that shore diving is summer sport
here. In the winter, 30
foot waves break offshore
and the surfers take over.
Get a glimpse by renting the
recent film “Blue Crush,”
which displays all the beauty
and excitement of Oahu’s
north shore and legendary
spots such as Banzai
Pipeline, Sunset Beach and
Waimea Bay. In the summer
those famous waves drop to 2
to 3 feet and you can enjoy
underwater scenery not seen
by many.
The only hotel-resort
at the North Shore is Turtle
Bay Resort in Kuhuku (about
twenty minutes from DE).
It’s a full-service resort,
with hotel and cottage
rooms, two professional golf
courses that host the senior
PGA tour and the Hawaiian
Open, tennis courts, equestrian
activities, three
swimming pools, informal and
formal restaurants, and a
poolside bar and lounge.
Like many Hawaiian hotels,
they offer a special “unadvertised”
rate of $139/
room/night to walk-in customers.
I got a $973 rate
for seven nights, double
occupancy, compared with the
best rate my travel agent
could get: $1694. With this
savings, I could easily
afford the $200 or so that a mid-sized rental car costs for a week (808-293-8811).
DE is next to Café Haleiwa, which has great breakfast fare: a stack of banana
or strawberry pancakes is $2. For more upscale dining, Haleiwa Joe’s Seafood and
Grill, next to the Anahulu stream bridge, has a dining room overlooking the marina,
and serves creative Pacific Rim cuisine at reasonable prices: appetizers include
fire shrimp for $9, Ahi spring rolls for $10, summer crab rolls for $7 and smoked
ono (wahoo) for $8; entrees include coconut shrimp or prime rib for $20 and grilled
salmon with Asian pesto for $18. And, this is America, so the fast food chains are
I won’t bore you with what else you can do around Honolulu, other than to say
you might luck out and get a magazine and calendar model shoot at breathtaking
Lanikai Beach. Just keep in mind that if you’re on Oahu and want to go diving
where the savvy locals go, head to the north shore and Deep Ecology. You won’t be disappointed.

Diver’s Compass: Twotank
boat trips with
light lunch cost $99;
two guided shore dives
were $69 ... Rental
gear is available ...
Nitrox is $15 for two
tanks, and I could
specify the percentage
of oxygen a day ahead ... Standard steel
cylinders were filled from 2700-2900 psi,
which with air gave plenty of time at
these shallow depths ... Deep Ecology is
at 66-456 Kamaehameha Highway, Haleiwa, HI
96712 (808)637-7946, After diving, a stop at Matsumoto’s Shave Ice in
Hale’iwa for a coconut, passionfruit or pina colada ice made my day ... Deep Ecology
is an hour’s drive from Honolulu when the traffic flow is in your favor, 90 minutes
or more in the afternoon rush hour. We were always let into congested traffic with
a friendly “hang loose” hand gesture, much different from the gestures received in
traffic back on the mainland ... There are economical lodging alternatives on the
North Shore, including various B&Bs ... Plantation Village in Haleiwa has hostel
rooms for $15-20 per night, private rooms at $45-65, private suites at $80-114 and
private cabins for $110-200