There is little discussion
among those in the American
sport diving industry of bone
necrosis, a serious disease that
causes bones to die. While there
has been increasing evidence
that it affects sport divers, it gets
little discussion. After all, the
suggestion that a long-term,
lurking disease can affect
people long after they stop
diving is one way to throw a very
wet blanket on the diving
industry. And the thought that
it may be related to longer and
deeper diving is certainly an
anathema to the emerging
technical side of the industry.
Yet it’s a burning issue in
the United Kingdom. The
increased cases of bone necrosis
in sport divers is seen as so
serious that the United Kingdom
Sport Diving Medical
Committee recently issued this
statement (which we have
“Bone necrosis is a serious
disease of bones that is also
called avascular necrosis or
dysbaric osteonecrosis. There
are many causes, but exposure
to hyperbaric conditions is the
usual reason when it occurs in
someone who dives or has dived
in the past. Until recently it was
thought to occur in only professional
divers; however the UK
Sport Diving Medical Committee
has become aware of cases
occurring in amateur divers.
The Committee therefore wishes
to bring this condition to the
attention of all amateur divers.
“The disease can occur
months, years or even decades
after hyperbaric exposure. It
causes areas of bone to die. If
near a joint, it can result in severe
joint damage and may make joint
replacement necessary. When a
dead area affects the shaft of a
bone it causes no symptoms, but
bone necrosis can change to a
form of bone cancer.
“The cause of dysbaric
osteonecrosis is unknown. There
is no proven association with
decompression illness, though
both can affect joints and the
risk of each condition is related
to the degree of exposure to
hyperbaric conditions. The
incidence of dysbaric osteonecrosis
increases with depths of
dives, their duration and the
number of exposures. Amateur
sport scuba divers were considered
to be at low risk because
their dives were usually short
and shallow. As amateur divers
go deeper longer it is probable
that more cases of dysbaric
osteonecrosis will come to light.
Failure to learn from past lessons may cause amateur divers to suffer an
epidemic of bone necrosis, similar to
those in caisson workers in the last
century and in professional divers
earlier in this century before safer
work practices were introduced to
those occupations.”
A member of the committee, Dr.
Peter Wilmhurst, told DIVE magazine
that he has treated three recreational
divers for bone necrosis in the last
year. “I have never before come across
this illness in amateur divers, and
other doctors are reporting similar
cases. A new pattern is emerging.”
The cases have spurred the UK Sport
Diving Medical Committee to set up a
registry of cases.
Would it not be prudent for the
American diving industry, led by
DAN, to take the same measure?
— Ben Davison
P.S. Dr. Wilmhurst can be contacted
at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital,
Shrewsbury, UK SY38XQ