Riding down Grand Turk's empty Front Street on rickety
bikes, my partner and I were returning to Guanahani Hotel
from dinner at the Turks Head Inn. We had biked the previous
night when the entire island went black for thirty
minutes while the power company did a little maintenance.
We had negotiated around potholes, stopped for two cars
that passed, been redirected by friendly residents who saw
us miss our turn, and made it back laughing. This night,
however, a white van jerked to a stop alongside me. "You
can't ride without lights," the burly driver yelled. "I'm
a policeman. It's against the law. You're going to jail."
This guy in street clothes frightened my partner. I explained
we were visitors on bikes borrowed from the
Guanahani. He gave no quarter: "You're going to spend the
night behind bars," he shouted, then abruptly drove half a
block ahead and slammed on his brakes. We hopped off our
bikes, walking them ahead apprehensively. Then, just as
abruptly, he stepped on the gas and disappeared.
While I later learned that this bully was indeed a cop,
he was the only unseemly character we encountered during
our ten-day April sojourn on Grand Turk and Salt Cay. This
dork notwithstanding, it was an enjoyable trip.
Grand Turk, some 550 miles southeast of Miami, is reachable
in a single day from just about anywhere in the U..S Grab the 5:10 p.m. AA flight from Miami to Provodenciales,
the main tourist destination, then connect to Grand Turk and
hail a cab. A mile from Grand Turk's airport is the only
tourist area, along a quiet, narrow, beachfront road with
restored 19th century buildings, four small hotels, two dive
operations, a small bar/restaurant, and one shop selling
inexpensive Haitian art and souvenirs: not a T-shirt shop to
be seen on this island of roughly 3000 residents.
My partner and I arrived at the
Guanahani Hotel, another mile north, at
8:30 p.m., after a slow $8/person cab
ride from the airport. No one was in the
office, but bartender Marvin offered a
complimentary drink at their friendly
bar, got us our room, and served up a
good grouper dinner with frozen veggies
and French fries. And we had a chat with
our dive guide-to-be, Smitty of See Eye
Diving, a muscular ex-policeman.
In each of two two-story cinder-block
buildings, the beachfront Guanahani
sports eight identical rooms with balconies
facing the sea; the upstairs rooms,
particularly number 8, are preferable. I
was initially put off by the aging Motel
Six-style room, its sink counter in the
dark bathroom ugly with salt-weathered
metal and stains from the cosmetics of
others. I would have preferred to sleep
with the sliding door open to create a
breeze, but it was unscreened, so every
few minutes a mosquito buzzed me. I shut the door, turned on the aging air conditioner,
and adapted. (The Sitting Pretty, owned by the same company, is a sister
hotel in the tourist area. I spoke with an Undercurrent reader who moved out
because her room smelled moldy and also met a woman who said she broke into tears
when she saw her room; she and her husband moved out, forfeiting their prepayment.
I visited two Sitting Pretty rooms and its tiny bar and outside dining
area; I don't recommend it.)
Running the leeward length of Grand Turk, about 200 yards offshore, is the
island's pièce de résistance´: a beautiful and easily accessible wall beginning
at 30-40 feet. Some people rent tanks and kick out on their own. Otherwise, the
boats from each operation -- Sea Eye Diving, Blue Water, and Oasis -- follow the
same routine. They'll pick you up from the beach in front of your hotel, bring
tanks, and store your BC and regulator. Two morning dives begin at 9:30 a.m.
(take only one if you want, and they'll return you), and one in the afternoon;
tie off at a mooring, go over the wall, kick along for twenty minutes or so at 80
feet, edge up to the shallows at 35 feet or so, then return over the flats. Anchor
at the edge of the wall for the second dive and tour the flats. And, if you
go deeper or go off on your own, no one seems to mind. Indeed: a fine destination
for the "easy diver."
At the Guanahani, Cecil Ingham, the owner of See Eye (C.I.), told me to "bring
your c-card, and we'll do the paper work between dives at our shop in town." Next
day the taciturn Smitty nosed his 24-foot flat-bottom six feet from water's edge
and I climbed on board; he hooked up BCs and regulators and quickly motored a
couple of minutes to the mooring at Amphitheatre Annex. During his short briefing
he recommended 80 feet max along the wall, said we would amble back along the top
of the reef, and could burn up air under the boat. The other divers sported computers
and one was outfitted in the full Galapagos: a computer, dangling clips
and lanyards, thick neoprene gloves, a Rolex (he set the bezel), a Dive Rite
horn, a sword strapped to his calf, a whistle, even a Spare Air, and who knows
what in those BC pockets.
We began over the sand bottom (leaving the boat above unattended, a common
practice here), then dropped down the splendid wall into the deep azure of the
open sea ledge. The cool water -- 75-76 degrees in late April -- demanded a skin
and a suit, and I should have brought my hood. Underwater, Smitty (who wore
three rubber layers) led the dive in an elliptical path, occasionally looking
back, but pointing out nothing. Fish life was unremarkable, though an occasional
small mackerel flitted by, and after twenty minutes along the wall we headed toward
a sand shoot to the top of the reef in 30 feet of water. Along the way I spotted a
highhat under a rock and two spotted file fish eyed me. I stopped to watch a long
trumpet fish on the hunt and a small stingray nosed through the sand.
After a forty-five minute surface interval we dived the Anchor, getting no
deeper than 50 feet. Its large fluke, covered with coral growth, is a fine topic
for wide-angle photography. Mutton snapper, many large parrotfish, and couple of
barracuda hovered in the sea whips and soft corals. Smitty watched two divers -- one
on his first dive -- miss the boat and head off along the wall; he made a brief
attempt to retrieve them, then climbed back aboard. They surfaced a hundred feet
away, ten minutes later, their tanks parched. P.S.: no one ever asked for a c-card
or had us sign a release -- or even took our names. We were "Room 7, Guanahani."
Coral Gardens, near the Sitting Pretty Hotel, had plenty of nice soft coral,
as one would expect, and snappers, grunts, and other commoners, but here
Alexander, a 25-pound Nassau Grouper, holds forth, seeking chum and chin chucks. A few small barracuda hovered in the distance. Most of the dive was at 35 feet.
I watched a school of horseye jacks swirl and spotted a large trunk fish who
whitened his screen-patterned skin as I approached. A long-nosed butterfly fish
had an inch-long parasitic isopod attached to each cheek. Smitty said that six
large grouper once resided here, but divers from shore had poached them, and,
although the court refused to hear the case, the dive guides meted out their own
punishment. While the wall is a protected area, local people may still fish in
the area, but not near the moorings.
At Black Forest, four varieties of black coral and wire coral sprouted from
the wall, providing an excellent setting for wide-angle photography. Fairy
basslets seemed abundant and a small school of blue chromis and Creole wrasse
flowed past. I dropped down to 110 feet, but the action is all above eighty.

No hustle and bustle here on Duke Street. People waved and
said hello, a few wild donkeys roamed the street, and cars are few. |
On the several dives I
made most of the usual Caribbean
reef fish were present --
trumpet fish, durgeons, many
species of butterfly fish, an
occasional grey angel, blue
chromis, lots of fairy bassets,
innumerable parrotfish --
not in great numbers, but
unbothered enough to provide
plenty of photo ops. Except
for a few shrimp and an occasional
flamingo tongue, macro
possibilities were limited.
Big fish? Not for my eye -- not
even an eel -- but readers
report an occasional eagle
ray, manta, nurse shark, or
whitetip. But the blue water
diving along the sheer wall
makes a trip worth the effort.
And so does "the Caribbean charm of yesterday," which pervades the island.
People waved and said hello, a few wild donkeys roamed the street, and cars were
few. Unfortunately, "yesterday" pervades the limited menu at the Guanahani as
well -- powdered iced tea or lemonade, twice no fruit for breakfast because they
were waiting for the plane, a lunchmeat ham and turkey sandwich with one slice of
each (and they were out of tomatoes), $8 hamburger with a McDonald's-like patty,
tasty conch soup and clam chowder, but from the same canned base. Yet I survived
with the eggs and good grits for breakfast and for lunch better-than-average
French fries, excellent conch fritters, and something called potato mayonnaise --
a baked potato filled with stuffed tuna. (Another reason not to stay at the Sitting
Pretty: food for their dinner buffet is prepared at the Guanahani and carted
down). While management talks of supply problems, superior food at the Turks Head
and across the way on Salt Cay exposes their cost-cutting and lack of imagination.
So my partner and I either walked, biked, or cabbed ($3/person) to town.
We'd begin with a drink at the charming little Water's Edge, with beach-side
seats and fresh conch ceviche (they have real burgers here and do well on pizza
night). A few nights we ambled across the street to the Turks Head Inn and walked
through their private courtyard into their lovely trellis-enclosed dining room. This restaurant, managed carefully by a couple of English chaps (new managers are
coming), is an engaging setting for the best food on the island. Entrees run $15-
22 -- pastas, excellent steaks, and mahi mahi or grouper, baked or poached with
onion and tomato, and accompanied by mashed or roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables
with broccoli; $5 for a fresh dinner salad and $5 for a glass of decent Oregon
Down the road at the Salt Raker Inn, we had the Wednesday barbecue of excellent
fresh snapper and tuna accompanied by a salad bar of lettuce, tomatoes, potato, or pasta salads for $17. Mitch
Rollins, an American expat who owns
Blue Water Divers, played and sang soft
ballads and folk music.
Mitch was featured
in one of the top books on diving,
Water and Light, by Stephen
Harrigan, who spent months on Grand
Turk doing nothing but diving. I walked
up and arranged a dive.
Mitch picked me up punctually at the
Guanahani for what he said was his
4,963rd dive in the Turks and Caicos --
"I've logged everyone since 1980." A
smiling, chatty fellow, Mitch asked
where we'd been, then said "let's go up
north" -- meaning five minutes more -- to Gorgonian wall, where over the edge
scores of deep water gorgonia grew, a grand wide-angle setting. I spied a few
small Nassau groupers and a tiger grouper, and a beautiful queen trigger swam
within easy camera range. Mitch led a leisurely dive and back at the boat he
boarded ahead; we stayed down for about fifty minutes, boarding with 1000 psi in
our 3000 psi tanks, typical of just about every dive.
Mitch gave us the option of taking however long a surface interval we wanted,
either on the boat or at the hotel (we took the hotel and a forty-five minute
interval). His assistant Carl arrived in an hour and took me, the only diver, for
the next dive. I suggested Black Forest and back over the wall for the second
dive, about which there was no complaint. Carl, built like a small Sumo wrestler,
showed more enthusiasm than Smitty, pointing out a crab in a hole, a sizable
porcupine puffer, and a small hawksbill turtle. Price for three dives: $75; no ccard
requested, no signatures, and I dropped the money off at the Salt Raker a
couple of days later.
Oasis Divers is a third operation that was opened a couple of years ago by
Everette Freites and American Dale Barker. They met while she was a passenger on
the Aggressor, and Everette, a crew member, invited her back for crew week, and
now they're wed. I once came across Dale underwater and saw her constantly finding
critters for the two divers she led. I saw her boat arrive to pick up divers
at the Guanahani, always on time. I didn't dive with her but happened to share a
couple of beers with her at the Arawak; her enthusiasm makes me suspect she might
be the best guide of the lot. After all, personality and punctuality are all that
differentiates these three operations.
The folks at the Guanahani, the irrepressible second bartender Oliver and
manager Jeffrey Adams, were a great crew (but that ever-playing TV set is annoying).
I enjoyed the beach and the pool (though critters live in it) and give the
Guanahani a lukewarm recommendation. If room quality is important, four hotels
rate better. I spent a night in the Turks Head in a newly-refurbished 19th century
home; its peach-colored room, tiled bath, small deck with a water view, and
second small room off to the side matched up well with a typical American wellmaintained
bed and breakfast. (Go for the top floor rooms with balconies.) It's a
stone's throw from the ocean across the road. Hotel residents, expats, and locals
frequent their lively little bar.
We pedaled their new bikes out to the Arawak Inn, another hotel. This is a
small, newly-constructed condo-like complex with fifteen one-bedroom units and a
nice pool two miles from the tourist district on a quiet beach. The bright and
modern unit I inspected was smartly furnished with a small kitchen, tiled bath, and tub. Guests at the open-air bar (one of whom had escaped the Sitting Pretty)
said the meals, especially the grilled fish, were a leg up from their previous
digs. A cab to town is $6/person, there is an occasional shuttle, and Oasis
Divers goes back and forth with their truck, giving rides for the asking. The
wall is closer here, making beach diving a little more accessible, but any operation
will pick you up.
If you want to do all your own cooking, another choice is the beautifully
remodeled Island House in the center of the island. I inspected a well-appointed
one bedroom unit with a fully-equipped kitchen; it was very livable. Golf carts
are available to motor to town.
And, finally, there is the venerable Salt Raker, where the air-conditioned,
cottage-like, oceanview rooms with verandas are comfortable although a peg or two
below the Turks Head. They're convenient and a good choice if you like the lowrent
bed and breakfast feeling.
As for the diving, the walk-up rate was about $25 each. I see no significant
financial advantage in prepaying a package unless you're coming during holidays;
you might want to skip a dive, do a night dive with another operation -- or switch
The seven-night advertised hotel prices: Arawak: $772-$886/person, the difference
being location (phone 888-880-4477; 305-257-1080; fax 305-257-2072); Turks
Head $478-758 (phone 649-946-2055; fax 946-2911); Guanahani $766 (649-725-2822;
fax 946-1460); Island House, $750 (888-880-4477; 305-257-1080; fax 305-946 1523);
Sitting Pretty $880 (forget it, but 649-946-2232, fax 946-2668). Add 18% tax and
service charge to your bill. If you're uncertain about your hotel, avoid the package,
rent on a daily basis, and only pay a deposit in case you want to switch.
To sum up: an easy-to-reach, relatively inexpensive venue, a throwback in
time. Diving is easy, the sheer wall bordered by the deep blue is among the best
walls in the Caribbean, and there are friendly fish to photograph. While the
diving got tedious, I enjoyed the island so much six days sped by. And the folks
were friendly, except the jerk ... oh, and perhaps one other guy. As I pedaled
along the road a half block ahead of my partner, a car slowed, the driver opened
the door, and yelled at me to slow. "Slow down and wait for de lady. You ride too
fast," he admonished. "Let her go first." Come to think of it, he was no jerk,
just a gentleman.
Next issue: Salt Cay, five miles away, similar diving, a fine dive operation,
a range of accommodations, superior food ... a blast from the past.
Diver's Compass. . . .You can fly directly to Grand Turk on
Lynx Air's prop plane from Fort Lauderdale; Sky King is the
preferred inter-island airline (call 1325112 12392; e-mail
KING@CARIBSURF.COM) . . . .a couple of handy stores sell
snacks, canned and frozen food, sundries, and film, but if you
are cooking bring fresh veggies and meats. . . .there are
plenty of websites for these places and the travel agents
representing them . . . .cabs are easy to get, but the prices
are fixed per person; that can lead to a whopping bill when six people want to
travel to the Arawak; hook up with one cab driver for the week and negotiate a
favorable price. . . .Forget Coral Reef Beach Resort (it's run-down and too far
away) and the Water's Edge Club (handy but run-down) . . . .plans are afoot to
build a nine-hole golf course and scores of homes and resorts. . . .a small U.S.
military base, staffed during the Cold War, is a ghost town. . . . the dollar is
the currency; I never once saw T&C money.