Dear Fellow Diver,
Here we are in Belize City, early May, behind the wheel of
a $75/day four-wheel-drive filled with dive gear and hiking
boots, a lousy map, resort reservations three, maybe four
hours to the south, mostly over a notorious dirt road, a
bottle of water and a banana, and nightfall coming in an hour.
Shall we stay here? No, let's get out of here. Do you
know how to get there? He: Yes. She: Like hell you do. It's
a friendly country. What if we get stuck at night? Everyone
speaks English. Did you ask for directions from the hotel?
No. Just like a guy. Yup. Shall we? Sure, why not, we're
not tourists, we're travelers. Well, I did go to Kathmandu
by myself, so this should be a snap.
We buckled up, asked directions along the way, missed a
few signs enveloped in clouds of red dust from passing
trucks, then arrived in the pitch black after an otherwise
uneventful, three-hour-plus drive over at least 40 miles of
bad road and that much more good road. Naturally, Jaguar
Reef Lodge's kitchen was closed, but they gave us cold
beers and made sandwiches -- good BLTs, at that.
Of course, you can get there far easier by 25-minute
flight from Belize City to Dangriga, where (for $50) the
Lodge people will meet and transport you 30 minutes to their
door. I drove because, well, diving is generally so easy in
Belize waters that I hoped to find adventure elsewhere.
Eco-Tourism Central

Belize |
Jaguar Reef Lodge, a lovely little three-year-old resort,
is located on a sandy beach a couple of miles south
of Hopkins, a village of perhaps 500 people living mainly
in makeshift houses on wooden stilts (the better to survive
the occasional hurricane). Jaguar Reef, more solidly build, sports a nice, open main lodge with a
high-ceiling, tiled dining area, small
bar, and office. Lapping waves, sea
breezes, and soft music -- sometimes classical,
sometimes reggae, sometimes new
age -- provided the background for excellent
meals, served on white-clothed
tables, inside or out, by the sweet and
friendly local staff.
I was tipped off to the Lodge by Houston
reader Jim Juneau, who sent his report
for the Chapbook. When I called the Lodge
to ask about diving, manager Bradley
Rinehart told me that the dive shop was
no more, so they ferry divers 30 minutes
to the barrier reef and Southwater Caye
to dive with Living Reef Divers. I asked
him to call to verify they would be running,
and he called back that night to confirm.
Two dives a day takes a day: from 9:30
to 4 p.m., to be exact. Get to the caye
at 10, get going maybe at 10:30, get back
at 12:15 (eat lunch brought over via boat
-- once an excellent lasagna salad, with
fish and shrimp, fruit, cookies, lemonade),
take a nap on a picnic table, snorkel
with the schools of bait fish and
bonefish, read a book, walk over to Blue
Marlin Lodge (a dive/fishing resort on
the caye), dive again at 2 p.m., leave
the caye at 3:30. No problem, mon. If I
spent the full day at Jaguar Reef, I'd be
doing the same anyhow.
Maybe not. You see, Jaguar Reef is an "eco-tourism resort," offering not only
laid-back scuba diving but unguided or modestly priced guided trips to the Jaguar
preserve, to Mayan excavations, or up the lazy Sittee River by boat or kayak. I drove
less than an hour to the heart of the Jaguar
Preserve, to hike along lovely
trails, bug-free and cooler than the
And the diving? Well, it's similar to
any along Belize's Barrier Reef -- by
Caribbean standards, that's quite good -
- and I saw eagle rays on every dive,
including 11 on one dive alone.
Friendly, Conservative Diving
Our leader for the dives was Ian
Alimilla, an enthusiastic, confident,
guest-pleasing young Belizean. He gave
an excellent briefing with a strong
conservationist bent: "Be careful with
your fins and don't touch the coral --
it's hundreds of years old and you don't want to be responsible for killing it, do
you?" He and "Podner," the boatman,
helped us with our gear.
My "podner's"
three-month-old fin strap snapped. No
problem: Ian gave her his fins, dived
with her single fin, and between dives I
located a spare strap.
The first two forays were similar; we
dived along a dramatic wall, no deeper
than 70 feet (Ian's limit for the first
dive was 70, the second 60) for 48 and 52
minutes, exiting when Ian requested (with
more than 1,000 psi). We gently drifted
on all dives, with Podner drifting above;
when we surfaced, he'd motor over, lift
up our gear, and we'd climb the ladder he flipped over the side.
With the sun brightly shining, golden crinoids and yellow sponges punctuated the
typical sepia and olive colors of Belize's prolific hard and soft corals. At times
the fish population would dwindle to blueheads, hamlets, and parrotfish, then explode
with numbers of swarming bogia, chromis, pairs of queen angels, grey triggers,
and the like. Occasional orange-spotted filefish allowed me to reach out and
touch them. On the first dive, a large green moray and a lobster shared a hole; on
the second, a couple of large, gnarly barracuda hovered among the soft coral. I saw
a pair of eagle rays on the first dive; on the second, three came up from the deep.
I held my breath, so as to not bubble, and they glided a body length away.
On another day at the Abyss, I dropped to 90 feet in unusually blue 79-°8F0
water with visibility near 100 feet. This dive I saw 11 eagle rays, schools of tang
foraging the reef, and a couple of barracuda, again among lovely coral. I grabbed a
piece of dead coral to steady myself to watch a fluttering pea-sized juvenile spotted
drum, then got a finger waving from Ian after I grabbed a live piece to stop
myself from drifting into the reef; a moment later my buddy's fin grazed soft coral
and Ian gave her the evil eye.
The second dive, which culminated at the beautiful Little Blue Hole, a cut into the
wall, was disappointing because Ian cruised us over ordinary shallows to view lettuce
coral and maintain a 50-foot limit. Afterwards, I said I would have preferred to spend
the entire dive along the wall and Ian, who
said he hadn't thought about doing the dive
that way, quickly agreed. He's a fine
guide, a young man with a divemaster certification
who showed us plenty of critters,
but he's no doubt been instructed to lead
conservative profiles -- in my view, far
too conservative for experienced computers
divers. Novices will be comfortable, indeed,
but those who prove their skills
deserve more leeway.
High Dry Times
But Jaguar Reef is not about serious
diving. It's about nature, relaxation,
and good living. Begin the day with a
plate of mango and papaya and banana,
fresh bread, eggs (like an omelet with
tomatoes and cheese), maybe a waffle; a light lunch of tuna sandwiches and fruit and salad. Then take a nap in your nice,
high-ceilinged, duplex bungalow; all have fans, a couple are air conditioned. Take
a bath, sit on your porch with a cool drink, think about dinner. About 4 p.m., a
staff person will come to take your dinner order: like fish with pineapple salsa,
carrots, grilled thyme potatoes, and fresh rolls, or coconut grouper (there's always
a meat or chicken choice) with stuffed coo coo, fresh carrots, finished with a
rich coconut ice cream. The cooks from the nearby village could find work in San
Francisco, so skilled are they in preparing light and tasty meals.
Or, for excitement, take a mountain bike and pedal 15 minutes to Hopkins, for a
Belikin beer at the Swinging Armadillo Hammock Lounge, where Michael, the proprietor,
can tell you why, after years in Chicago, he returned to Belize to build this
funky, over-the-water, relaxing joint, with more hammocks than tables. You'll probably
be the only customer. Not to worry if you pedal home tipsy, since there's
hardly a passing vehicle.
Of course, that won't last forever. Hopkins got electricity in 1992, and Jaguar
Reef is the first development to follow. Owner Bruce Forester expects to develop a
second within a year. Bruce, an affable
chap who splits his time between his
Vancouver, B.C., home and Jaguar, started
his career as a commercial diver before
earning his bucks in investment management.
Alongside Jaguar are several front
tracts beginning at $35K, and a building
next to the Lodge Forester says he will
provide to someone who puts in a dive
operation. Interested?
Reasons to Go
All in all, Jaguar Reef Lodge is great
for two-tank-a-day explorers or hammock
hangers. Families can arrange baby sitters,
take their kids snorkeling on the
boat (one family played with a manatee on
a snorkeling trip). Accommodations and
food are easily four stars plus, diving a
Belize-solid four, and money's worth --
especially in the summer -- is surely a
five. And you might as well fly; at the
Lodge I learned they'll rent you a
four-wheel drive for $95 a day, and
that's about all you'll need.
Ben Davison
Diver's Compass: Until November 1, a room
for two is $75; then $150 until May 14;
kids under 12 are free. Breakfast is $7,
lunch $9, dinner $19. Most tours run $48/
person, minimum three people in the off
season, but you can usually find someone
else at the hotel to share expenses.
Diving: $70 for two tanks. Phone or fax
011-501-21-2041, information help line 1-
800-289-5756, e-mail,
or any travel agent. . . . Round-trip
airfare from Belize International Airport
to Dangriga is $81. . . .