Oceanic Wilderness: Mysteries of the Silent Deep
from the April, 2008 issue of Undercurrent
This new book by Australian Roger
Steene is among the best books of underwater
photographs ever published. He has
captured unique behaviors of unique creatures
- - like a harlequin shrimp devouring
a sea star - - with an unprecedented
level of color and camouflage. Steene,
considered one of the world’s best fish
photographers, has a scientific eye that
goes far beyond most professional photographers, which results in an endless
array of surprising and stunning shots.
More than 500 colorful images fill the 340
pages of this oversized coffee-table book.
It’s a must for your library. 13 x 11 inches,
hardcover. Avoid paying the $60 list price
by ordering it for much less at our Web
site Undercurrent (scroll down to
“Editor’s Picks” at the bottom). All profits
will go to save coral reefs.