Enter the Underwater Photo and
Video Competition. March 1 is the deadline
to enter the 11th Underwater Images
Photo/Video Competition. Categories
include “Conservation,” “Macro,” “Wide
Angle,” and a new one called “Divers and
Marine Creatures.” Best of Show and First
Prize awards will be dive trips to Papua
New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and
Indonesia, among others. Dive equipment
and gift certificates from sponsors like
Ikelite and Pinnacle will also be given out.
Each submission has a $10 entry fee, and
more than 80 percent of proceeds go to nonprofits
supporting marine conservation. To
enter the contest, visit www.uwimages.org.
How Diving Helps Business Owners. While running a dive shop in Tonga, Patty
Vogel realized that what she knows about
diving also applies to running a business. In
an article for Entrepreneur, she summarized
thus: 1) Never stop breathing -- using your
breath as a natural stress reducer makes
you a better leader; 2) Swimming with the
current will make entrepreneurship easier
and more enjoyable; and 3) Prepare for your next adventure by having the boat wait for
you at the end of the dive.
The $23,000 Sharksuit. The Neptunic
C Suit made from steel mesh, titanium and
hybrid laminates can supposedly withstand
shark bites but takes a big chunk from your
wallet instead. The suit is a modern version
of one tested by shark expert Valerie
Taylor in the 1980s (hers, made of butchers’
gloves, only cost $2,000). Neptunic creator
Jeremiah Sullivan says he has had no
injuries from thousands of shark bites while
wearing it, but his Web site states, “We offer
no guarantee about the usefulness of this
product to protect a wearer from injury of
any kind under any circumstances.” See the
sharksuit at www.neptunic.com.
Tail Shot. The most unique underwater
photo placement we’ve seen is on the enormous
tail of a Frontier Airlines Airbus. It’s a
turtle shot, one flap up, the other down, taken
by subscriber Ken Howard (San Anselmo,
CA)., Frontier offered him their standard
$1,500 fee, which he found insulting but negotiated
a substantially better deal. To see the
Airbus turtle tail, go to www.seaimages.org.
Frontier is currently looking for shots of adult
seals and manatees. For information, email