We’re doing an article on good, bad and just plain
unusual tip policies. Do you know a liveaboard, dive
resort or scuba operator with such policies?
For example, diver George Coughlin was on an
Indonesian liveaboard that had two tip boxes, one for the
dive managers and an Indonesian dive guide, and another
tip box for the other 25 members of the Indonesian crew.
“The dive manager told me the latter wanted it that way.
But it just seemed that the crew weren’t viewed as important
as the others,” says Coughlin.
In what situations have you been glad to tip -- or outright
refused to do so? Furthermore, how much do you
tip? To whom, and on what basis? As traveling divers,
we need to share this important information because on
dive trips running at $1,000 to $3,000, tips can become
a big hunk of expenses. So how do you tip? Send your
comments to EditorBen@undercurrent.org.