As we reported in the June Undercurrent, the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) ordered all their Scubapro
MK20 regulators out of the water in
March after four first stages cracked.
Scubapro replaced NOAA's discontinued
MK20s with MK25 models
and issued an opinion from independent
experts that the problem was
due to over-torqueing the regulator's
yoke during routine maintenance.
Dave Dinsmore, Director of NOAA's
diving program, told Undercurrent that
NOAA's outside expert disagreed with that, although NOAA offered no
alternate opinion. When we requested
more details, Dinsmore "respectfully"
declined to comment.
But that's only the start of
Scubapro's handling of the problem.
A spokesperson for the parent
company of Scubapro and UWATEC
told Undercurrent that the NOAA
reports were the only cracking incidents
the company was aware of, and that
no in-water incidents
had occurred. ButUndercurrent has learned
Problems with
In response to our article, Undercurrent heard from three
subscribers who'd experienced similar
problems, one nearly five years
ago. Bill Sustr's MK20 had 20 dives
on it when he took it in for a checkup
in November 2001. The technician found a crack in the first stage
and replaced it under Scubapro's
warrantee. "My MK20 was practically
brand new and was never subjected
to an over-stress of the yoke," recalls
Sustr, of Prospect Heights, IL.

Pam Rudy's MK20 cracked in
July 2003. She brought it to her dive
shop, Stans' in San Jose, CA, and they
contacted Scubapro. According to
the shop, says Rudy, "Scubapro asked
first if anyone was hurt [I wasn't hurt
other than being hit in the chest
with the plastic cover as I was connecting
it to my tank when itblew ]."Scubapro replaced it with an MK25T
titanium model, which Rudy says is
still working fine. (Scubapro markets
a series of MK25 first stages; The
MK25T is made of titanium).
In April 2004, the day after servicing,
Nancy Fraser's earlier model
MK10 blew apart while she was diving
in Florida's Ginnie Springs. Nancy
was in ten feet of water when she
heard a loud noise behind her, and
kicked to shallower water where she
could stand up. Nancy's husband
Don reports, "The noise was loud enough for a swimmer 40 feet away
and above the surface to ask if she
was OK." Nancy was uninjured. The
Frasers' dealer in Orange Park,
Florida, returned the regulator to
Scubapro, and Nancy received a new
MK25 as a replacement. No one had
an explanation for the failure.
So, it seems that Scubapro's technical
staff should have known of the
problem well before NOAA issued
its safety bulletin in March. But the
company remained silent for months,
ignoring inquiries from concerned
owners such as Jim Reilly (Wyndmoor
PA), who says, "I sent them not one,
but two emails asking if my regulator
was safe to use. Never got an answer."
Divers Kept in the Dark
Seth Wingate (Pt. Reyes Station,
CA) who owns an MK20 called
Scubapro on May 27 and says they
told him a notice would be posted on the Scubapro website on May 31,
providing the details to correct the
problem. When that didn't happen,
he e-mailed Scubapro and was sent a
form letter promising to replace the MK20 yoke free of charge with a universal
yoke retainer that "transfers the
mechanical load to the yoke retainer
and not the body." Scubapro has sent
a similar communiqué to dealers, but
still has made no general announcement
via the media or its website. So
far, only those who inquire are getting
this information.
We checked with a local Scubapro
dealer (Marin Dive Center of San
Rafael, CA), and were told that his
shop alone had returned "four or
five" cracked regulators. They also
informed us that Scubapro was only
sending the replacement parts as they
were needed. So if you want to get
a new yoke retainer as part of your
regular servicing, prepare to leave
your regulator for a while.
Given the disagreement between
NOAA and Scubapro over the tourquing
issue, Bill Sustr says "I won't
dive with an MK20 with a Band-Aid
fix. . . .If Scubapro is willing to offer
some consideration for my MK20, I
will upgrade to an MK25 or better.
Otherwise, I will replace my whole rig
with another brand."
Seth Wingate has urged Scubapro
to recall the MK-20 regulators and
replace them with MK-25s as they did
for NOAA. "Anything less ... will be
treating your loyal, long-term customers
in bad faith," he pointed out, adding,
"It is not fair to replace NOAA's
MK20s and to treat other Scubapro
customers differently, potentially putting
them at great risk!"
Undercurrent wrote anonymously to
Scubapro, asking why they were offering
consumers the yoke replacement,
while NOAA got all new MK25s. In
response, Scubapro representative
Eric Schulte said, "The MK20's were
replaced with NOAA for two reasons:
1) We needed used test regulators to
find the problem. And 2) They are
working divers that could not have
downtime until we came up with a fix
for this issue, which took about six
months of independent testing."
Scubapro has not acknowledged
they had information about the
problem before NOAA's complaints,
though our reader reports dispute
that. Cynthia Georgeson, vice president
for worldwide communication at
Johnson Outdoors answered one of
the emails to her by saying: "Here is what I can tell you. Since
the initial stories appeared on this
matter, and our dealers receiving the
service update resolving it, we have
received a few additional cracked
units. Each was independently valuated
and the findings are consistent
with over-torquing during service. At
Johnson Outdoors, diver safety comes
first and we are confident that based
on these independent findings, our
recent MK20 service update is the
right and appropriate step to help
prevent issues in the future."
Hopefully, she is correct and
Scubapro engineers figured it out
better than NOAA. Meanwhile,
unless Scubapro heeds the warnings
of long-term customers like Sustr
and Wingate, other owners may have
to wait until their MK20 first stages
blow apart before they can get them replaced.