Fish ID books are great, but now that divers and
photographers are bringing laptops on dive trips, let us
suggest this digital fish ID source, Fishes of the Caribbean
and Adjacent Waters. It's a superb addition for any digital
diver's computer library.
This interactive field guide comes in CD-ROM or
DVD format and includes descriptions of 665 species
accompanied by 2,500 color photos and 1,000 video
clips of most common species in their native habitats.
Ichthyologist Dr. John Randall, himself an author of
fish ID books, calls it "comprehensive, informative,
meticulous in its detail, and fun to use."
The Premium DVD edition includes software for
PCs, and can be used in any DVD player or DVD-ROM
disc drive running on Windows. The package includes
minimal instructions, so I needed a little help from the
publisher (ReefNet, of Ontario, Canada), to install it
(1.4 gigabytes).
I printed out the PDF operating manual to help
navigate the complex software with features such as
a species browser and detailed species descriptions
accompanied by photographs, sketches, and audio
pronunciations of scientific names. Video content was
beautifully shot, with sound effects and background
music. The most helpful feature was a search engine
that allowed me to look up, say, a splendid toadfish
by selecting among preset descriptions of markings, anatomical features (e.g., barbels) and behavior. The
descriptive terminology was defined in a glossary just
one tab-click away. Indeed, the disk makes identification
and fact finding a breeze.

Other interactive tools include a flash-card fish quiz
customizable for the user's skill level, a log for recording
sightings, an illustrated glossary of scientific terms,
an interactive map of the Caribbean and a multimedia
show designer for custom presentations.
The premium DVD lists for $75, but you can order
it through Undercurrent at a discount by going to Undercurrent. If your PC doesn't have a DVD
drive, you can opt for a CD-ROM version containing
the software system, photos, video clips, detailed
descriptions and many interactive features ($70). You
can also order directly from ReefNet at 1-888-819 REEF.