Today, proper decompression
requires a slow enough trip to
the surface to eliminate dissolved
gases. Tomorrow, it may
require only a pill.
A research team at the Naval
Medical Research Institute in
Bethesda, Maryland, is working
on a method for decompressing
divers that removes some of
these gases by biochemical
processes, using bacterial
The bacteria are packaged,
swallowed, and delivered to the
large intestine before the start of
the dive. During the dive, some
gas in the blood diffuses into the
intestine, down the partialpressure
gradient created by the
metabolism of that gas by the
bacteria. End products of this
metabolism have a safe route for
elimination from the intestine.
The researchers have been
successful with laboratory rats,
using hydrogen in the breathing
mixture and bacteria that metabolize
hydrogen and carbon
dioxide to methane and water.
When the rats were pressurized
in a hyperbaric chamber,
the rate at which they released
methane increased with increasing
pressure of hydrogen in the
chamber. The hydrogen
breathed by the rats reached the
bacteria within seconds to
minutes and the conditions in
the intestine were suitable for
these bacteria to metabolize the
hydrogen. The treatment
reduced the rate of decompression
sickness from 50 percent to
approximately 20 percent, which
we had accurately predicted.
Hydrogen diving was originally
conceived in the 1940s to
reduce difficulties encountered
by divers breathing helium-gas
mixtures at great depths. But a
researcher met a tragic death
during an experimental hydrogen
dive in 1945, and it wasn't
researched again until the 1970s.
Last summer, using a trimix of
hydrogen, helium, and oxygen,
divers conducted successful
dives to 210 meters.
While it's a leap from hydrogen
to nitrogen, federal government
researcher Susan R. Kayar
says that it's "even more exciting
that nitrogen-metabolizing
bacteria can be used to achieve
biochemical decompression for
air dives. While still years of
animal and then human research
away, the possibility exists
that swallowing a few capsules
the night before a dive might
make sport divers safer from the
risk of decompression sickness."
Ben Davison