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Dive Review of Galapagos Aggressor II in
Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Aggressor II: "Trip well worth it", Mar, 2019,

by Todd Arrants, TN, US (Reviewer Reviewer 5 reports with 1 Helpful vote). Report 11344.

No photos available at this time

Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations 5 stars Food 4 stars
Service and Attitude 5 stars Environmental Sensitivity 5 stars
Dive Operation 5 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 4 stars
Beginners 2 stars
Advanced 5 stars
Comments We went with our dive shop for a week on the Aggressor II and 15 other people from our shop. This was our first live aboard and enjoyed it very much. This was the most challenging diving my wife and I have done, but we never felt unsafe or out of control. Often, big fish and big current go together. But not all great dives were in ripping current and deep. Some of the most enjoyable dives were very shallow swimming with Sea Loins and iguanas. We saw many turtles and free swimming eels. At times it seemed every hole had a moray lurking in or around it. I don't remember any dives (except the very shallow ones) that we didn't see sharks. Galapagos, white tip, black tip, and many hammer heads swimming in the current. Also, several schools of dolphins swam by and around us during safety stops. Surface intervals were often very exciting. Seeing penguins, birds, snorkeling with sea lions. But the best, and something we'll probably never see again, was a small pod of Orcas. There were two adults and one young Orca. We rode behind them for a long time. At one point, they stopped and circled back. Those of us that were in position, jumped in to see what we could see. When we entered, we saw a large one about 20' below us and watched it disappear into the deeper water. At that time we saw a mortally injured turtle spiraling below us. About 20' below, the Orca appeared from below and took the turtle and swam off into the blue! Very exciting thing to witness and be a part of watching.

We spend one evening in Santa Cruz visiting the giant tortoises and walking/shopping in the village. I think on my next trip, I'll plan an overnight in that town. It was very nice. The first evening in Guayaquil was enjoyable and some of our group went early and hired a car to drive around the area for a day. Upon departing, we had several hours to spend in Guayaquil before our late night flight back to Miami. We spent it down town along the river in what looked like a recently developed public area.

The only thing we didn't see on this trip was whale sharks (not the right time) and a Mola Mola. But we saw pretty much everything else from sharks, turtles, large schools of barracuda, many fish, dolphins, rays (mobulus and a few manta), penguins, and many birds that the islands are know for as well.

The Aggressor crew was very good and enjoyable. They obviously do this trip constantly and know what they are doing. Service was excellent, food was good, and the downtime of being on a live a board with no internet was very enjoyable. Lots of time to visit, look at photos, read, and sleep.
Websites Galapagos Aggressor II   

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience 251-500 dives
Where else diving USVI, Cozumel, Belize, Bonaire, Little Cayman, Key Largo, Kona, Fiji.
Closest Airport Baltra Getting There Miami to Guayaquil. Overnight in Guayaquil, depart for Baltra

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, dry Seas choppy, currents
Water Temp 81-72°F / 27-22°C Wetsuit Thickness 5
Water Visibility 20-60 Ft/ 6-18 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile ?
Enforced diving restrictions Stayed with group and guide. But went where we needed to see what we were looking for.
Liveaboard? yes Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks Lots Mantas 1 or 2
Dolphins Schools Whale Sharks None
Turtles > 2 Whales 1 or 2
Corals 2 stars Tropical Fish 5 stars
Small Critters 2 stars Large Fish 5 stars
Large Pelagics 5 stars

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter 5 stars Boat Facilities 5 stars
Overall rating for UWP's 5 stars Shore Facilities N/A
UW Photo Comments We aren't big UW photographers and use a great point and click. But the serious gear seemed very well cared for and good facilities.
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