Your Guide to Diving Micronesia Including Palau, Truk (Chuuk), Yap, Bikini Atoll & Marshall Islands and Kosrae
All of Undercurrent's information on diving Micronesia, including articles, reader reports, Chapbook sections, ...
Diving Micronesia Overview
Diving Micronesia, especially Palau and Truk, is near the top of most divers' lists. Most divers head to Palau, where big fish abound. The Blue Corner is among the world's best high voltage dive sites. Visibility can exceed 200ft (60m), while currents range from nil to dangerously strong -- so use a reef hook and bring your safety sausage. Long day-boat rides to the best diving weave through calm waters and past magnificent rock islands, but there's the potential for rough seas on the outer edges. Most divers prefer liveaboards. Marine biodiversity is among the greatest in the world, but coral bleaching and commercial fishing are taking their toll. There's WWII wreck diving in the lagoon at Koror, but visibility can be poor. Wreck diving mavens head to Truk (properly called Chuuk) and the world's most diverse wreck diving on a Japanese freighter fleet sunk by Americans during WWII. Most wreck dives, other than on the superstructures, exceed 80ft (24m) deep, but they're great even without penetration. The wrecks are starting to suffer, and many artifacts that should have been left alone have been purloined, but the ships are festooned with coral, and most all the unique reef fish of the Pacific have made them home. When diving Truk expect calm water, occasional poor visibility, and hot weather. Both destinations are such a long haul that divers usually stop at a second island to amortize their trip costs. Yap has been the traditional stopover, known for manta encounters, but the diving in Kosrae and Pohnpei may be better choices. If you want to dive a fleet of obsolete wartime naval ships sunk by an atomic blast in 1945, get to Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Every vessel there has a history and the USS Saratoga is upright and the largest diveable aircraft carrier not intentionally scuttled.
Micronesia Seasonal Dive Planner
Air temperatures uniformly remain in the 80°F (29°C) year-round. For land travel, there's little difference between the wet and dry season, although January through March is considered the most comfortable season because of lower humidity and slightly cooler temperatures. Although visibility is slightly reduced by run-off during the July through October monsoons, the wind is also milder during this season, producing flatter seas. Water temperatures remain around 85°F (29°C) year-round. Typhoons are most frequent between August and December but are rare in Palau.
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Diving Micronesia Reader Reports and Feature Articles
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Latest Reader Reports from Micronesia
from the serious divers who read Undercurrent
All 10,000+
Reports |
Manta Ray Bay Report
in Micronesia/Yap
"Great diving without the crowds" filed Feb 21, 2025 by Hugh E Aaron (Experience: Over 1000 dives, 28 reports, Sr. Contributor )
Trip Overview
This trip, which started on January 1, 2025 and ended on February 5, 2025 involved four stops, two of which were dive ... ... Read more

Palau Dive Adventures/Garden Palace Report
in Micronesia/Palau
"Good diving in a beautiful settting" filed Feb 21, 2025 by Hugh E Aaron (Experience: Over 1000 dives, 28 reports, Sr. Contributor )
Trip Overview
This trip, which started on January 1, 2025 and ended on February 5, 2025 involved four stops, two of which were dive ... ... Read more

Fish 'n Fins/Palau Carolines Resort Report
in Micronesia/Palau
"Return to Palau - still incredible even with crowds and warmer waters" filed Jan 5, 2025 by James Buescher (Experience: 51-100 dives, 2 reports)
This was our second trip to Palau, our first being just over 15 years ago and before my wife/buddy was a diver. This was our chance to ... ... Read more
Black Pearl Liveaboard Report
in Micronesia/Palau

"Good Diving in Palau" filed Jan 1, 2025 by John Morgan (Experience: Over 1000 dives, 4 reports, Reviewer )
Getting to Palau from the United States is quite a chore. I traveled on Hawaiian Airlines from Phoenix to Honoulu, then it was United f... ... Read more

Manta Ray Bay Report
in Micronesia/Yap
"Over promised and under delivered" filed Nov 30, 2024 by Lynn A (Experience: 501-1000 dives)
While I have dove in Micronesia a few times, I had not had the pleasure of diving Yap and I was excited to experience this area. We... ... Read more
Complete Articles Available to Undercurrent Online
Members; Some Publicly Available as Indicated
Diving Micronesia Articles - Liveaboards
Helen Reef, Palau, Micronesia, explorers don't always find with they're looking for, 5/23 |
What’s Going on in Chuuk Lagoon?, 4/23 |
Available to the Public |
Fiji, Indonesia, French Polynesia, Molokai, we’re diving the world once again, 7/22 |
Island Scuba Destinations That Will be Gone in Less than a Century, 9/19 |
Truk Odyssey, Chuuk, Micronesia, great rooms, food, and wreck dives, but an unattentive crew, 5/19 |
Our Shocked and Appalled Readers, last month’s stories that made you write letters to us, 2/19 |
Fancy Bikini?, 4/17 |
What Happened to Palau’s Jellyfish?, 6/16 |
Bahamas, French Polynesia, St. Vincent, and two great places for underwater photo classes, 2/16 |
What Really Happened to the Truk Siren?, 2/16 |
Palau Siren Grounds and Floods, that’s five disasters for eight Siren boats in six years, 9/15 |
Typhoon Wrecks Truk Liveaboards, 5/15 |
Ocean Hunter III, Palau, Micronesia, a rival to Raja Ampat for marine wonders, 9/14 |
Bahamas, Hawaii, the Red Sea. . ., one Micronesia resort worth visiting, another that’s not, 7/13 |
Another Chuuk Option: the Truk Odyssey, 4/13 |
Palau’s Chamber is Working Again, But Not Full-Time, 6/12 |
Fish ‘n Fins and Ocean Hunter II, Palau, where’s the best diving, by land or by sea?, 9/08 |
Ocean Hunter’s Special Trips, 9/08 |
Two Undiscovered Destinations, and one that stands out, 8/06 |
Truk Lagoon, Micronesia, one by land, three by sea, 10/01 |
Diving Palau from the Sun Dancer II, the coral's been ravaged, but the fish are still there, 5/00 |
Palau Aggressor II, 3/96 |
Palau Live-Aboards, 3/96 |
Truk Aggressor Problems, 8/95 |
Sun Dancer in Palau, 2/95 |
Palau Boats, 7/93 |
A Rollicking Return To The Thorfinn, 9/86 |
S.S. THORFINN, Truk And Ponape, Micronesia, A Price Too High For Paradise, 6/86 |
Diving Micronesia Articles - Land Based
Panama, Palau, Belize, Philippines, exploding outboards, a whale shark petting zoo, 2/25 |
Available to the Public |
The Caribbean, Palau, Fiji and the Philippines, readers report and it's not always plain sailing, 10/22 |
Blue Lagoon Resort, Chuuk, a set-your-own-pace schedule on Truk Lagoon’s wreck dives, 4/19 |
Wreck Diving for Beginners, should a teenager with four dives really be visiting Chuuk?, 1/19 |
Bonaire, Cozumel, Cuba, Fiji, Palau . . ., spear tossers, baggage restrictions and thieving crews, 9/18 |
Bye Bye Palau? Too Many Divers in this Island Paradise?, 5/17 |
The Kosrae Resort Raffle Result, 8/16 |
Fish & Fins, Palau Aggressor, Micronesia, better by land than by sea, 5/16 |
Win a Tropical Dive Resort? Or Not., 5/16 |
Sam’s Tours, Palau, Micronesia, a less expensive alternative to a liveaboard, 1/16 |
The Full Story on Palau’s Changes, 1/16 |
Kosrae and Yap, Micronesia, two magical stopovers in the mid-Pacific, 10/15 |
Mozambique, Mexico, Philippines . . ., more on the Thorfinn, and another Bonaire warning, 10/15 |
Cat Island, Chuuk Lagoon. . ., oceanic white-tips, and a nasty tub, 9/15 |
Florida, Maui, Palau . . ., good and bad Bahamas dive shops; the best week to dive Bonaire, 10/14 |
Blue Lagoon Resort, Chuuk, Micronesia, the non-liveaboard experience, 4/13 |
Flying to Micronesia? Options to Avoid United, 4/13 |
Belize, Hawaii, Cozumel, Palau . . ., Caribbean winter warnings and more trouble with the Siren fleet, 3/13 |
Bikini Atoll, Hawaii, Raja Ampat…, and one reader’s Hurricane Sandy dive trip, 11/12 |
Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, Fiji, Truk. . ., plus unexpected cold water, and a liveaboard to avoid, 8/12 |
Cozumel, Anguilla, Palau…, plus a shark dive with no sharks, and two resorts to avoid, 4/12 |
Mexico, Myanmar, Palau, Roatan, where to see big fish, where to avoid dead reefs and daytrippers, 6/11 |
Virgins, Little Cayman, Palau, Sipadan…, Trash is drifting, sea life is missing, but these dive sites still shine, 2/11 |
Saipan, Statia, Lake Malawi, Key Largo..., reports from the back of beyond from “undercover” readers, 7/10 |
Blue Lagoon Resort, Truk, Micronesia, WWII wrecks worthy of technical dive training, 2/08 |
Pohnpei, Kosrae, Micronesia, the best of second stops, 10/06 |
The WWII Wrecks of Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, for skilled divers with a second mortgage, 4/06 |
Yap and Palau, Micronesia, two on land, one at sea, 7/05 |
Yap, Post Typhoon, 7/05 |
Midway Atoll --Three Hours from Hawaii, flush with fish but skimpy on coral, 2/00 |
Post-Nuclear Diving at Bikini Atoll, The sand crabs are hot, but the fish life’s not, 1/97 |
Palau, Micronesia, Palau Aggressor, Sam's Dive Tours, Splash Dive Center, 7/93 |
Truk Lagoon Revisited, 8/88 |
Palau Pasific Resort, Palau, Micronesia, Channels, Chimneys And Chandeliers, 2/87 |
Other Truk Options, 6/86 |
Ponape and Palau, Micronesia, Worth The Investment, Worth The Hassle, 8/81 |
Micronesia, Part Two, Giant Jellyfish, Wahoo Sharks, and Murphy' s Law, 1/77 |
Micronesia, Part One, Primitive, exotic diving, but for how long?, 11/76 |
Micronesia Sections from Our Travelin'
Diver's Chapbooks
Reader Reports filed for
that year |
Editor's Book Picks for Scuba Diving Micronesia
Including Palau, Truk (Chuuk), Yap, Bikini Atoll & Marshall Islands and Kosrae
The books below are my
favorites about diving in this part of the world All books are
available at a significant discount from; just
follow the links. -- BD
Reef Creature Identification: Tropical Pacific
by Paul Humann and Ned Deloach
Paul Humann and Ned Deloach have done it again, releasing a definitive identification guide to 1600 extraordinary reef creatures of the Tropical Pacific. with this 500+ page softbound guide, you get upwards of 2000 exceptional photos of shrimp and crabs and stars and worms and lobsters and nudibranchs and slugs and squid and bivalves . . . well, all those invertebrates that move along the reefs of this region without fining, so it seems. There are several photos of some creatures to help you identify them during different life stages, and about ten percent of the book is descriptive copy so you can tie down your identification. Even if you have no plans to go to the tropical Pacific, just to thumb through the pages, gawk at the complexity and uniqueness of these animals, and read a thumbnail sketch will give any serious diver vicarious thrills for endless hours.
Click here to buy it at Amazon.
Reef Fish Identification: Tropical Pacific
by Gerald Allen, Rodger Steene, Paul Humann, & Ned Deloach
At last, here's a comprehensive fish ID guide covering the reefs of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The generous 500-page text, displaying 2,500 underwater photographs of 2,000 species, identifies the myriad fishes that inhabit the warm tropical seas between Thailand and Tahiti. The concise text accompanying each species portrait includes the fish's common, scientific and family names, size, description, visually distinctive features, preferred habitat, typical behavior, depth range, and geographical distribution. This is an essential book for every diver traveling westward. 6x9 inches.
Click here to buy it at Amazon.
Dive Sites of the Great Barrier Reef
by Neville Coleman.
2900 reefs in 220,000 square miles, the enormous Great Barrier Reef has incredible
dives -- and some very ordinary ones. If you're contemplating a trip, Neville
Coleman's Dive Sites of the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea will help you
ensure you pick the best. This 176 page book, with good maps and scores of colorful
photos, describes the significant sites, the topography and the critters, then
rates and ranks them so you can pick the best. Don't even consider a trip to Australia
without consulting this. $24.95
Indo-Pacific Coral Reef Field Guide
by Gerald R. Allen, Roger Steene.
I was trying to pack
light for a change. Surely the Solomon Sea would have good identification books
aboard. Not so; the only book on the boat belonged to a fellow passenger. It was
one that I had not seen before, the Indo-Pacific Coral Reef Field Guide,
by two of the best fish guys around, Gerry Allen and Roger Steene. The problem
was this fellow passenger kept it in a plastic baggie most of the trip and I had
to beg to see it. Great book, good traveling size, and it covers everything from
fish, shells, marine plants, mammals, corals, and invertebrates to sea birds and
more. Now I've got my own, and it won't do you any good to beg me to borrow it.
This is one of two books that I will not travel to the Pacific without. Good for
travel to the Red Sea, East Africa, Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives, Andaman Sea,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Micronesia, Polynesia, and Hawaii,
it has 1,800 color illustrations in a 6x8 1/2 paperback format with 378 pages.
There's a Cockroach in My Regulator
by Undercurrent
The Best of Undercurrent: Bizarre and Brilliant True Diving Tales from Thirty Years of Undercurrent.
Shipping now is our brand new, 240-page book filled with the best of the unusual, the entertaining, and the jaw dropping stories Undercurrent has published. They’re true, often unbelievable, and always fascinating. We’re offering it to you now for the special price of just $14.95.
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