A couple of subscribers took issue with my exhortation
for everyone to start using nitrox. It obviously
touched a nerve, reawakening old arguments put
forward in the early '90s by the editor of Skin Diver
Magazine, Bill Gleason, when he vowed that nitrox
was a devil gas and he would never use it.
Long-time subscriber and diver, Chet Heddon,
wrote to say that the additional time gained is "not
supported by any evidence. Slightly more time, perhaps,
but certainly not 'far more' time."
Well, the no-stop time on my Suunto computer,
set without any cautionary personal adjustment, is
37 minutes with nitrox 21 (air) at 68 feet (21m)
against 58 minutes with nitrox 32. I'd say an extra
21 minutes' dive time is significant. The relationship
expands as you go deeper.
Chet also wrote that my contention that nitrox is
safer than air is simply not true. "It is more dangerous
than air, because it introduces oxygen toxicity
and depth limitations."
(This was echoed in another email, which Bret
Gilliam, founder of training agencies SDI/TDI and
past president of computer manufacturer, UWATEC
answers next.)
One must keep in mind that air divers are
breathing nitrox 21. That is what air is, and as such,
is similarly subject to oxygen toxicity and depth
limitations -- currently suggested by many diving
computer manufacturers to be 182 feet (56m), as
opposed to nitrox 32, where the suggested depth
limit is around 130 feet (40m). That many of us
older divers occasionally went deeper on air simply
demonstrates that exposure to oxygen toxicity is a
product of both time and depth (pressure).
Larry wrote:
"I just read your article Get off the Air, Will You?
I am disappointed with the very biased statement,
'First, nitrox is safer, much safer, especially for an
aging diver.' Clearly this is one-sided reporting."
"Yes, from a nitrogen-loading standpoint, the
statement is 100 percent correct. However, from an
oxygen exposure standpoint, the opposite is true.
As a long-time PADI scuba instructor, I agree with
the article about PADI's 'dry' Nitrox course being
inadequate. But a significant number of divers I
have encountered who dive Nitrox, PADI certified
or otherwise, are either unaware or unknowledgeable
of the dangers of oxygen. I have witnessed
several potentially dangerous situations because the
diver is not taking the oxygen exposure or maximum
operating depth of the mix into account.
Further, other certified Nitrox divers aboard boats
have seemed surprised that this is something they
had to be aware of."
"Undercurrent should not make statements that
are based on half of the facts."
Dear Larry,
First, let's address the issue of whether nitrox is
inherently 'safer' than air as a breathing mix. The
short answer is no.
Decompression models produce exactly the
same risk factor for DCS for both gasses, since
the algorithm assumes the uptake of the inert gas
nitrogen to be at the same rate because the model
is derived from the existing underlying rates of
uptake and release. Yes, nitrox will allow longer nodecompression
times due to the increased oxygen/
reduced nitrogen content ... but the overall DCS
risk factors are the same.
That only changes if you were to use 32 O2 percentage
(for example) but set your computer to
normoxic air at 21% O2. This is often referred to
as the 'physiological advantage' in practical usage. This effectively eliminates any real statistical possibility of
Nitrox, however, has significant advantages for
longer dive times with no decompression and shorter
surface intervals allowing faster returns to diving.
Overall, nitrox is simply more efficient, but the DCS
risk models are the same.
As for the risks of oxygen toxicity, based on
oxygen dosage, they are identical between air and
nitrox. O2 toxicity is a phenomenon based on time
of exposure and partial pressure. These two factors
yield the 'dose.' The normal working ?O2 partial
pressure limit is 1.6ATA (bar), which is achieved
on air at a depth of 218.4 feet (67.2) and on Nitrox
32 at 132 feet (40.6m). The NOAA recommended
maximum time at a 1.6 ?O2 is 45 minutes. The risk
factors are the same regardless of whether you are
breathing nitrox or air.

The old Navy dive table no-decompression time
for Nitrox 32 was 20 minutes. So with an O2 dosage
time limit of 45 minutes (more than double the
no-deco bottom time), there is very little likelihood
of any oxygen toxicity problems. If you were to
go deeper and hit a PO2 of 1.8, you would simply
have a reduced exposure time of 30 minutes. Many
people who don't understand the applicable physics
and working physiology seem to assume that if
you drop below 132 feet (40.6m) on Nitrox 32, that
you'll suddenly experience spontaneous combustion.
It's just not true. It's all about depth and time
that produce the oxygen 'dose.' It's not just depth.
One reason that Nitrox 32 evolved into the most
widely used mix was that it matched up perfectly to
the 130-foot (40m) maximum depth limit recommended
for most sport divers. And it also equaled
an oxygen exposure at 1.6 ATA (bar) that was also
in widespread acceptance. It's worth noting that the
NOAA oxygen dose tables have been around for
nearly five decades, and I'm not aware of a single
case of O2 toxicity when divers have stayed within
those limits ... regardless of the breathing mix. The
protocols work.
[Editor's Note: If you don't dive deeper than 130 feet
(40m) and never use a nitrox mix greater than 32 percent
O2, a single tank diver would have nothing to worry
about regarding oxygen toxicity!]
So stop worrying needlessly about an artificial
O2 threat. Stay within no-decompression limits, and
you automatically will not violate the O2 dose limits
... with a safety factor of over 50%.
Now, about those divers who are either "unaware
or unknowledgeable of the dangers of oxygen," either they were poorly trained or forgot what they
were taught, just as beginning divers forget things.
That's why they are required to sign off on the
nitrox O2 content and maximum depth limits and
why an operator should reinforce the depth limits
in the briefing. If that's done, you can't do much
more to take care of an oblivious or suicidal diver
other than to ground him after his first idiotic dive.
- Bret Gilliam
How Did Nitrox Get Such a Bad Rap?
In the late '80s, those divers who started to advocate
the use of nitrox faced fierce opposition from
their peers. Why was that?
During World War II, combat divers used bubble-
free oxygen rebreathers for covert operations.
Using pure oxygen, they were trained not to go
deeper than 30 feet (9m). Many did not return.
Long periods of breathing oxygen at that pressure
made many susceptible to oxygen toxicity, and they
drowned. In fact, they should not have gone deeper
than 20 feet (6m) -- and oxygen for diving got a
bad name.
Nitrox is not pure oxygen. It only has elevated
levels of oxygen. That said, when nitrox was first
introduced, the only way to make it was to fill a
tank partially with pure oxygen and then top it off
with air -- the 'partial pressure' method. Handling
pure oxygen can be hazardous, since it supports
combustion. Cavalier handling, ill-thought-out pipework
with constrictions and dangerously tight turns,
neoprene O-rings and equipment polluted with
hydrocarbons (oil) caused some spectacular fires.
People learned the hard way. Quite frankly, many
divers did not know what they were doing.
Tanks needed to be oxygen-clean, and in oxygen
service, O-rings had to be made of Viton. One
training agency, ANDI, demanded that regulators
should be oxygen-clean to be safe. (Remember
those yellow and green nitrox regulators?)
Then somebody learned that freighters preserved
perishable cargos by removing the oxygen
from the air in ships' holds, keeping the cargos in
inert nitrogen. Using the same technique, it was
simple to remove some nitrogen from the air, leaving
the air with an elevated level of oxygen. The
nitrox membrane system was born.
Nitrox could be delivered directly to a tank with
an enhanced but safe level of oxygen. From then
on, divers could use ordinary scuba equipment, so
it was nitrox on tap.
Nonetheless, some people still had ingrained in
their minds that divers died using oxygen, and oxygen
also caused fires. For them, nitrox was tainted.
It remained a devil gas.
Modern Rebreathers and Oxygen
Today, closed-circuit rebreathers mix nitrox or a
trimix of helium, oxygen, and nitrogen on the fly.
To do this, divers go in equipped with, among other
things, a supply of pure oxygen in a high-pressure
cylinder. Despite many early rebreather casualties
from lack of knowledge of things like CO2 poisoning,
there were few oxygen toxicity deaths and few
fires. To our knowledge, no mainstream rebreather
manufacturer has been successfully sued for making
a dangerous product.
- John Bantin