In October Undercurrent reported on two groups
of divers who were lost within a week. One group lost
off Mauritius in the Indian Ocean were located after
more than four hours adrift by an air and sea search,
while some of those lost off Malpelo were less lucky. In
November, we published an article suggesting different
ways in which you could avoid this happening to you.
This included the German ENOS autonomous diver
recovery system.
Stephane de Senneville, director of Dive Sail Travel,
which contracts out its scuba business to DiveSail
Consultants in Mauritius, claimed at the time, "the mistake
was the decision by the divemaster to swim away
from the protection of the cove and into the currents that dragged them out to sea."
We are heartened to be informed by Christiane
Linkenbach of Seareq, the makers of ENOS, that "to
spare his divers [a repeat of] such nightmare, Stephane
de Senneville took consequences to heart and purchased
Divers with Dive Sail Travel can be assured that
they now are protected by the ENOS autonomous GPS
diver-recovery system whenever they dive remote sites
near Mauritius.
Hopefully, worldwide, more will follow. Pass this
article on to the next liveaboard you're thinking about