Bali Disaster Pending?
from the October, 2017 issue of Undercurrent

One of the most popular destinations for tourists
in Indonesia is deservedly Bali. One of the most
popular areas to scuba
dive is around Tulamben on the northeast coast, not least because of the picturesque wreckage of the SS Liberty. The ship had been beached during hostile enemy action during WW2 but one of the effects of the volcano Mount Agung erupting in 1963 was that the lava flow pushed it into the ocean where it lies today. At that time, 1,500 people tragically perished.
Mount Agung is rumbling yet again 54 years later,
and the Indonesian government is taking no chances this time, evacuating everyone who might be in the
danger zone. This means that all the dive centers
and other businesses in
Tulamben have been closed
including Scuba Seraya and
Villa Markisa. Ubud is 32km
(20 miles) away from Agung
while the tourist hotspot of
Kuta is 45 miles distant.
Bali is a big island and
there's diving elsewhere
but if you are heading for
Bali be aware that should
the volcano finally erupt
as expected, volcanic ash
in the atmosphere might
affect air flights in and out
on Denpasar airport. Nine alternative airports outside
Bali have been prepared for diverted flights. For
updates visit