Underwater photography used to
be more difficult. A previous doyen
of underwater photography, BBC
Blue Planet filmmaker Peter Scoones
(recently departed), once said that if
you could reliably take a picture on film
in focus, properly exposed, and well
lit, you had a good chance of winning
any underwater photography competition.
Former UNEXSO (Bahamas) dive
guide Kurt Amsler knew how to do that,
and he dominated every contest -- until
he decided to stop entering and let
some newcomers have a go.
The Internet
is now awash
with wonderful
Of course, digital photography has
changed all that. Now, any diver can
buy a digital
or macro lens, and strobes
and reliably get results.
If RAW files are shot in
camera, nearly every
adjustment, other than
focus, can be made later
on your laptop, using the
right software. In fact, it
has become so easy, the
Internet is now awash with wonderful underwater
photographs. Because many are of the same subject,
they often look very similar.
However, underwater photography competitions
continue unabated. Often they are merely
data gathering exercises or even contests designed
to unashamedly gather library pictures for rightsfree
use. Businesses donate prizes because they
see the publicity generated as a positive marketing
benefit; the prizes tend to be equipment or dive
vacations or liveaboard trips (but rarely with the
cost of flights included). Whatever the prize, there
can only ever be a single winner. But competitions
aren't without controversy. In another big competition
this year some category winners were accused
of cheating.
When David Pilosof, the former publisher of
Yam, the Israeli diving magazine, organized the
World ShootOut, he was determined to get more
valuable prizes than trips and equipment that
people didn't really need. His goal was to attract the best underwater photographers and the best
pictures from around the world.
He divided the competition into eight categories,
with each winner being awarded a prize worth
thousands of dollars. For example, the top prize for
2015 was worth $25,000 and it attracted 448 amateur
and professional underwater photographers
from 37 different countries.
Americans did well. The American team in the
Underwater Global Championship (a separate team
category within the competition) comprising Mike
Bartick, Brook Peterson and Bruce Shafer, won
third place. Tanya Houppermans won a $6000 trip
for two to the Zulu Kingdom resort in South Africa
as outright winner of the shark category. Evan
Sherman Evan won a $2000 check courtesy of the
Israeli Diving Authority as winner in the video clip
With results announced this January, competition
was fierce; it was no longer sufficient to produce
a pleasing portrait of a marine animal. To get
anywhere near winning an award, photographers
needed to capture examples of unusual behavior.
The problem arose when it was alleged a winning
underwater photographer, Marco Chang of Taiwan,
might have resorted to cheating.
We have all seen people moving invertebrates
around for the benefit of the camera. We may not
approve, but it happens more often than we might like -- but this was strictly against the published rules
of the World ShootOut.
It was alleged a winning underwater
photographer might have resorted to
The wining picture in the macro and supermacro
category was an extreme close-up of a
nudibranch with a pair of imperial shrimp on its
head. Placing only second with his own picture
in that category, British photographer Dr. Alex
Tattersall alleged that these shrimp in the winning
shot appeared to him to have been manipulated
into position, breaching competition rules.
He protested. It seems, after he got no satisfaction
from the organizers and like a dog with a bone,
he took to posting his complaints numerous times
on Facebook and mobilizing support from a great
number of other underwater photographers.
These, in turn, expressed dissatisfaction at the
way in which the competition had been run. Some
complained about the team competition category,
while others alleged that some winning pictures had
been taken outside the time frame specified in the
Dr. Tattersall wrote, "Regarding the issue of
subject herding in the macro category, I was also
told by the organizer that 'crab' and 'nudibranch'
experts at a prestigious university had been consulted
who had attested to the winning image displaying
natural behavior. The university does not
appear to have a department for such specialism,
certainly not a research center, and the organizer
has been unwilling to provide me with any information
as to who these experts are or any proof of
their statement. The jury panel has also remained
largely anonymous. I have offered strong and compelling
evidence to engage in a debate, and this has
effectively been completely ignored."
In protest, he returned his prize.
Meanwhile, the Israeli organizers of the competition
defended their position. David Pilosof
implied that Dr. Tattersall was a poor loser and
replied, "World ShootOut has contributed so much to
underwater photographers around the world (since
its inception). In fact, up to now, I've personally
arranged over $220,000 to be awarded to underwater
photographers in cash, not to mention extremely
valuable diving holidays and high-end gear."
There was colateral effect. At the same time, and
in response to other questions raised by those following
Dr. Tattersall's Facebook campaign, Sharon
Rainis Shoval, on behalf of the World ShootOut, posted,
"We'd like to thank all the photographers who
raised the fact that the manta image submitted by
the 2nd place winning Italian team was captured in
2014 and, therefore, doesn't comply with the competition
rules, thus disqualifying the whole portfolio
of the team and banning it from the competition."
Despite this, the organizers continue to be
intransigent about their choice of winner in the
macro and super-macro category.
One of the judges, Adam Hanlon, editor
of Wetpixel, was unrepentant when he told Dr.
Tattersall, "It is true that no one can produce definitive
proof that the subjects were not manipulated.
However, equally, and crucially in this instance, you
cannot produce definitive proof that they were."
Being a judge at such competitions can be onerous,
and we all know that some competition judges can be partisan, especially when it involves something
as indefinable as art. But the judges' decision
is final. However, the prizes were substantial, and
with the stakes so high, people were no longer prepared
to shrug their shoulders and put it down to
Cheating winner or poor loser? We'll never
know. There is no way to determine if the shrimp in
the winning picture were manipulated. The anger
in the underwater photography community is only
based on suspicion. However, since then another
photographer, Jack Berthomier, has posted a similar
picture of a nudibranch with two shrimps on its
head on 'forum-photosub.fr' so maybe an apology
is in order. Either way, don't expect Nauticam to
sponsor this competition anytime in the future. Dr.
Tattersall is the British and French distributor for
Nauticam underwater photography products.
There were no such problems with the
Underwater Photographer of the Year, another
recent competition with judges based in the UK.
Italian photographer David Lopresi won outright
for his stunning seahorse picture entitled 'Gold.'
Showcasing some of the most breath-taking images
captured underwater, the annual competition, with
judges Alex Mustard, Peter Rowlands, and Martin
Edge, received entries from thousands of talented
photographers. You can view the winners here: