In an earlier issue of Undercurrent, I commented on
the death of a healthy 28-year-old woman who, following
a dive trip to Australia, died from a deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) during her long return flight. DVT,
an inactivity-related blood clot in the deep veins of
the calf or the thigh that works its way to the lungs or
heart, can be caused by sitting in the cramped seat of
a plane for an extended period. Among the signs of
DVT are calf pain upon extension of the foot, redness
and hardness at the site of the clot, and swelling of the
lower extremity.
The February issue of Chest, the journal of the
American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), contains
an article that revisits DVT and makes revised recommendations
for prevention. The authors suggest that the
common usage of the term "economy-class syndrome"
to describe this condition is inaccurate, as there is no
definitive evidence to support that simply traveling in
economy class can lead to the malady. Evidence does,
however, support the danger of remaining immobile for
long periods of time, no matter which class of seat you
are flying.
The article also indicates that while flying-related
DVT is quite unlikely in the healthy traveler, odds of
an event are increased by a history of previous DVT,
malignant cancer, recent surgery or trauma, advanced
age, use of estrogen or oral contraceptives, pregnancy,
obesity, immobility and sitting in a window seat (most
likely because you don't get up as often).
In terms of prevention, keeping the legs active tops
the list. On flights of six hours or more, the ACCP recommends
that individuals who have an increased risk
for DVT frequently stretch their calf muscle and walk
around, sit in an aisle seat if possible, and hydrate regularly.
Also recommended are below-the-knee graduated
compression stockings. Aspirin or more powerful
anticoagulants may be prescribed for flyers at significant
risk. The ACCP does not recommend compression
hose, aspirin or other anticoagulants for those who do
not have one or more of the above risk factors.
For those of us who enjoy an alcohol beverage while
flying, happily the article notes that the evidence does
not support a recommendation of abstinence.
- - Doc Vikingo
"New DVT Guidelines: No Evidence to Support 'Economy-
Class Syndrome,'" Chest, February 2012, volume 141.