“Aren’t you going to fasten your seatbelt?” I asked my
Indonesian driver. “Why should I?” he retorted. “I’m not going
to have an accident.” That sums up all safety equipment. If regulations
didn’t force us to have them, we’d happily do without.
The German manufacturers of the Electronic Rescue and
Locating System (ENOS for short) would like to see every dive
boat equipped with their equipment. But as they improve their
technology, they’re struggling to persuade dive operations to
spend the money. With boat owners smarting over the high
cost of marine fuel, they are hardly likely to want to splash out.
Besides, they’re not going
to lose anyone, are they?

Hold That Transmitter
High, Lost Diver |
Would you pay a
surcharge to book a boat
that had a search unit
and sufficient transmitters
to equip every diver
on board? After all, with
the charge for the boat
unit running about $4,500
and each diver unit costing
$1,250, that sort of
investment doesn’t come
easy. However, Seareq, the
German manufacturer
of ENOS, told us that
American dive centers
have not used ENOS
“because of rather complicated
international radio frequency laws and rules worldwide, which were cleared up for
the American market in the last 12 months. Until now, it was
not possible for boat operators in U.S. territories to purchase
the ENOS system.”
It seems the equipment must be supplied for use in a specific
territory. I took a set to Egypt and tried it out during my voyage
on the Miss Nouran liveaboard in the Red Sea. The ENOS
System869 operates with a radio frequency that is license-free
so its use doesn’t have to be reported to the authorities in that
country. The system works in conjunction with GPS, which is
operated by the U.S. government. It works independently of
any international rescue service and as such has no operational
charges attributed to it.
Each diver carries a transmitter that is only activated at the
surface during an emergency. The boat carries a receiver unit
that must be switched on while divers are in the water. When a
diver activates the transmitter, the receiver emits a loud sound,
transmits the lost diver’s GPS position, then calculates the
distance and direction of the emergency signal. Its independent
power supply means it can be used in a small boat such as a
rigid-hull inflatable (RIB). Like VHF radio, it works by line-ofsight
and has a range of around two miles in a small boat. By
positioning a separate antenna high up on the main vessel, it is
claimed that the ENOS system’s range can be extended to six
miles or more.
The lost diver at the surface simply switches on the unit he
has been carrying in his BC pocket or clipped to it by its lanyard.
He holds it as high as he can while it triangulates on three
satellites and sends the emergency signal and position to the receiver unit back on the boat. Provided the captain remembers
to steer around obstructions such as reefs, he can head directly
to where the lost diver is positioned. If a group of divers have
an incident which results in them coming up all over the place
and sending emergency transmissions, the receiver unit can log
them all.
On the Miss Nouran, the receiver unit was connected to a
VHF aerial rigged high on the boat’s cross-trees to give it as
much range as possible. For smaller boats, you can use a small
aerial attached to the unit in its watertight case or rig it to its Aframe.
The GPS aerial only needs to see the sky.
The first problem I encountered was that Miss Nouran’s RIB
drivers were too efficient at picking up surfacing divers. The
safety beacons were held up above the water and the receiver
unit squawked that there was a diver who needed rescuing, but
that person was always out of the water before a unit had time
to triangulate on the three GPS satellites. That meant they
transmitted no actual position before the unit was switched off.
So I sent someone out in a RIB. It took four minutes for the
diver’s transmitter to lock on to the required number of satellites
and for the boat’s receiver to get the bearing and distance.
Because the information needs to be transmitted back to the
boat by radio, the range of the unit is limited by the curvature
of the earth. The higher the receiving aerial is positioned, the
farther it can “see.” Also, the diver’s unit is slightly buoyant so
that in a worst-case scenario it can still bob in the water and do
its job.
Alas, it’s never that simple. Like anything that uses sophisticated
electronics, there are inevitably development problems.
Peter Witmer of the Galapagos Aggressor I and II fleet reports a
trying time with diver units breaking and vessel-generated electricity
causing spikes in the voltage that damaged the receiver
unit. The latest model has a battery charged in the same way
as a laptop, so that should give protection from spikes. Witmer
tells Undercurrent that the diver units have been redesigned and
are now good but the effective range is disappointing. Because
it works by line-of-sight, the VHF aerial needs to have an unobscured
view of the ocean and be mounted as high as possible.
But Witmer admits “there are so many electronics mounted
on both vessels (location systems, two radars, sat phones,
cell-phone TV and two radio systems), the tops looks like
Christmas trees.” This might be causing interference.
“So far we had two incidents and the system worked real
time,” Witmer says. “Nothing serious, fortunately.” However,
the Aggressor’s experience with ENOS has been expensive and
spotty. He reports good product support from Germany, and
ENOS reps will go to the Galapagos soon to review the problems.
Still, he doesn’t yet feel that the system is fully reliable.
Regardless, I, for one, would feel more confident booking
a dive boat that used it. Besides the Galapagos Aggressor I and II, three boats currently use ENOS, including MY Seven Seas in the
Red Sea, MV Carina in the Maldives and S/C King Bambo in the
Seychelles. Dive groups traveling to Egypt can rent the equipment equipment
and take it on board with them, but they must be sure
someone is always with the receiver unit while they are in the
water – and that it’s someone who knows how to use it. Renting
a set with six transmitters and one receiver for a week costs
around $120 per person.
John Bantin is the technical editor of DIVER magazine in the United
Kingdom. For 20 years, he has used and received virtually every piece of equipment
available in the UK and the U.S., and makes around 300 dives per year
for that purpose. He is also a professional underwater photographer.
P.S. from Ben Davison: Undercurrent subscriber Sean Bruner
(Tucson, AZ) was on the Galapagos Aggressor in August and said,
“They provided each diver with a GPS locator device in case
you surface far from the boat. My wife tried to open hers the
first day at Wolf Island but it was stuck shut. The next day
at Darwin, they were still stuck shut and when the five divers
chasing the whale shark surfaced, they were so far from the
boat that they tried to activate the GPS. They were all stuck
shut. Finally, one was opened and after waiting 20 minutes
(with five silkies circling underneath), they were able to signal
the boat and were picked up.” The crew got them to open easily
the next day.
So a word to all divers: As with any piece of equipment,
ensure it’s operational before diving with it. And a thanks goes
to the Aggressor fleet for investing in such important technology
and helping to improve it. We divers need a foolproof
rescue device.