Despite drug package warnings about drowsiness and
engaging in hazardous activities, divers commonly selfmedicate
for motion sickness and congestion. If you take
such drugs, you may not be as sharp as you think.
Several scientific studies report on how these drugs
may affect you — and which are better for divers.
Scop seems best:
In 2001, researchers examined the performance
effects of dimenhydrinate (100 mg), cinnarizine (50 mg)
and transdermal scopolamine. Subjects took computerized
and written performance tests, and answered questions
about side effects and their feelings of well-being.
Dimenhydrinate impaired decision reaction time and the
ability to recall number sequences and decreased performance
and feelings of well-being. Cinnarizine and transdermal
scopolamine did not cause these problems.1
An earlier study also gave good marks to oral scopolamine
in doses of 0.25 mg and 0.50 mg, but poor marks
to promethazine (25 mg oral and 25 mg I.M.). The ability
to track moving patterns across a computer screen was not
significantly altered by scopolamine, but promethazine
lessened subjects’ capacity by the same degree as would a
shot or two of alcohol. 2
These were surface studies, but a 1988 study of transdermal
scopolamine in sport divers, a placebo versus a
scop patch, were compared at chamber depth equivalents
of 16 and 118 fsw. All subjects had impaired manual dexterity
and lower sentence comprehension at the second
depth, but transdermal scopolamine didn’t independently
affect performance under either condition. 3
Dramamine, Sudafed, and Others
Last year researchers tested reaction time, logical reasoning,
serial subtraction, multitasking and sleepiness in
aircrews. They fed them promethazine (25 mg), meclizine
(50 mg), dimenhydrinate (50 mg), or promethazine (25
mg) plus pseudoephedrine (60 mg). The study affirmed
what most divers know — all can cause sleepiness,
sometime lasting more than seven hours. Furthermore,
meclizine, promethazine and promethazine plus pseudoephedrine
impaired performance across all tasks, while
dimenhydrinate only impaired speed in identifying a target
object. 4
A 2000 study took 30 active recreational divers on a
chamber ride to 66 ft, each with either a placebo, dimenhydrinate
or pseudoephedrine on board. Without drugs,
depth alone significantly lowered the subject’s recall for
words. It also lowered mean heart rate and increased
anxiety. Dimenhydrinate caused decreases in the ability
to sequence numbers and letters alternately, but it didn’t
significantly affect the other tests. Pseudoephedrine didn’t
meaningfully affect any psychometric tests, though it did
increase mean heart rate and tended to increase anxiety.
The authors concluded that pseudoephedrine does
not cause significant alterations in psychometric performance
at 66 ft. and likely does not add significant risk to
the diver. However, dimenhydrinate does adversely affect
mental flexibility. Added to the effect of depth on memory,
it may heighten diver risk. 5
In a study published last year, cyclizine (50 mg) and
pseudoephedrine (60 mg) were evaluated during a
chamber dive to 98 ft. Each of 24 subjects did six dives. Decreases in performance at depth occurred in logical reasoning
and manual dexterity, no matter the drug taken.
The reduction in reasoning at depth for cyclizine was greater
than for pseudoephedrine or placebo, but neither drug
had significant independent effects on manual dexterity.

To ingest or not to ingest?
The hyperbaric medical community generally recommends
that divers avoid these drugs. Keep in mind: the
effects on cognitive and psychomotor behavior may
increase with nitrogen narcosis as shallow as 50 feet.
If you need to take motion sickness medication, scopolamine
seems a better choice than dimenhydrinate.
Natural remedies such as ginger may offer effective alternatives,
as was discussed in a July 2005 Undercurrent piece,
“Managing Mal de Mer.”
Finally, give any drug an adequate topside trial to
assess for adverse reactions before submerging. Take it
slow until you know. And weigh all benefits against risks.
– Doc Vikingo
(1) J Psychopharmacol. 2001 Sep;15(3):167-72. The effects of dimenhydrinate,
cinnarizine and transdermal scopolamine on performance.
Gordon CR, Gonen A, Nachum Z, Doweck I, Spitzer O, Shupak A.
(2) 1: Aviat Space Environ Med. 1984 Feb;55(2):113-6. Side effects
of antimotion sickness drugs. Wood CD, Manno JE, Manno BR, Redetzki
HM, Wood M, Vekovius WA.
(3) Undersea Biomed Res. 1988 Mar;15(2):89-98. Effects of transcutaneous
scopolamine and depth on diver performance. Williams TH,
Wilkinson AR, Davis FM, Frampton CM.
(4) Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6):560-5. Motion-sickness
medications for aircrew: impact on psychomotor performance. Paul MA,
MacLellan M, Gray G.
(5) Pharmacotherapy 2000:20;(9):1045-1054. The psychometric and
cardiac effects of pseudoephedrine and dimenhydrinate in the hyperbaric
environment, Taylor et al.
(6) South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS). 2005 Dec;
35 (4): December 2005. The effects on performance of cyclizine and
pseudoephedrine during dry chamber dives breathing air to 30 metres’
depth. Graham McGeoch, F Michael Davis and Lynn Fletcher.