In a box in my drawer sits Kina
from Papua New Guinea, Swiss
Francs, Fiji, Belize and Australian
dollars, Scottish Pounds, Kenya
Shillings, Australian dollars,
Mexican Pesos, Venezuelan Bolivars and hundreds of coins left over
from my travels. They gather dust and take up space.
No more. UNICEF, in partnership with several international airlines,
accepts any and all foreign bills and coins — including
European money replaced by Euro dollars —, converting them into
lifesaving supplies and services for the world’s neediest children.
Since 1991, more than $31 million has been raised through the Change for Good ® program. For example, more than one billion
people are without access to safe water; 2.5 billion people are without
access to sanitation. $2 in foreign change, for example, could buy 30
oral rehydration packets (a lifesaving mixture of salt and sugar to
treat dehydration from diarrhea), or 25 immunization syringes, or
enough high-dose vitamin A to protect 50 toddlers from blindness
caused by vitamin A deficiency.
Clear out that drawer and send your money to Travelex America,
Attn.: Jessica Lynch Change for Good for UNICEF., JFK Airport,
Terminal 4 IAT Jamaica, NY 11430 . Travelex, the currency dealer at
JFK, us authorized to collect fund for UNICEF. You can also can
donate unused foreign currency at 100 Travelex and Thomas Cook
sites nationwide, using special Change for Good ® collection envelopes.
For more information visit:
—Ben Davison