One thing’s for sure: the Nekton Pilot is one unique,
even weird, boat. She’s more than boxy--almost truly rectangular--
but because the bow is never in the water, she
doesn’t need a sleek prow to cut through the waves. The
three-story tall, 40-foot by 78-foot platform sits on two
submerged pontoons--really two 65-foot long steel torpedoes
filled with engines, fuel, purified water, sewage,
and air. Relief Captain Skip Evans moves air and liquid
around in the tubes to keep the boat level, stable, and
above the mottled surface of the rolling ocean. Designed
to minimize the rolling that can lead to widespread mal de
mer, the boat rides like a cradle instead of a “bobbing
bottle.” She’s not purely stationary, however, and in the
channel crossing the guests quickly learned to dance the
Nekton Shuffle. A few people felt nauseous, but we landlubbers
had no serious complaints.
Come to think of it, the Nekton Pilot’s not a boat:
it’s a floating dedicated dive resort, built to move short
distances at all of nine knots. The odd design, however,
translates into greater diver comfort. The accommodations
were excellent: sixteen reasonably quiet staterooms, each
with large windows, a shower, toilet, and enough shelf and
hanging space for stowing the little clothing necessary
given the 80° days and 70° nights we had on this December
trip. Of course, a comfortable craft does not a good dive
trip make, and the question remained: would this itinerary
measure up?
Actually, the Pilot has three distinct itineraries--
Western Bahamas, Cay Sal Banks, and Southern Bahamas--each
offered at different times of the year.
Georgetown, Great
Exuma, was the launching location for my southern tour,
which took us to Conception Island, Cat Island, San Salvador, Rum Cay, and back to Conception, about
300 miles in six days.
The southern itinerary dived the
more remote areas in the Bahamas, and
the sites there had been prepared by
the Nekton folks with moorings. Most
dives were deep, along sheer, nearlyvertical
walls that started at 60 feet,
many with chutes and swimthroughs emptying
at 110-120 feet.
I wanted to see the sharks of the
Bahamas, and they showed up on the very
first dive: two curious six-footers,
accustomed to being fed when they hear
the engines. Yet the spectacular walls
were the main show. Gliding through
coral gardens with 80 to 200-foot visibility
in water as transparent as blue
sky, the perpendicular drop into the
depths took my breath away. Undulating
curtains of reef fish poured down, veiling the wall. An occasional hammerhead or
reef shark flickered across the backdrop. Schools of hunting jacks swam among the
black coral trees and lush soft corals, corals that, unfortunately, showed signs
of bleaching and encroaching disease.
Devil’s Claw, off San Salvador, was typical. Ubiquitous Nassau groupers kept
track of everything moving on their reefs in the 80° water, crowding out the
smaller tiger groupers at every opportunity. Queen triggers flitted around. A
nurse shark lay in a sand channel, hiding his head under the ledge. Along the
top, flamingo tongues posed on sea fans punctuating the coral gardens.
Off Rum Cay we had the only shallow dive on this itinerary. No more than 40 feet
deep, Snowfields was overrun with little yellow stingrays, juvenile seabass, tiny
gold-spotted eels, and lots of cleaning stations where the parrotfish and groupers
gathered to get preened. Only one location, the one we dived the final day, had
decent snorkeling, but this may have been deliberate: they polled the guests at the
beginning of the trip, and we expressed little interest in snorkeling.
Five dives are available daily: two on each site, with the afternoon site
serving as the night dive location. The Pilot moved at night to the next
morning’s site, then again during lunch. Dives were on the honor system; they
asked us to buddy-dive and to refrain from drinking alcohol until ending the dive
day. No one preached about safety or carrying too much weight, and long safety
stops were easy with a stable hang bar at 15 feet, an emergency tank waiting next
to the bar. The main restriction was not to go below 130'. If I couldn’t find a
buddy, a staff member would willingly gear up and go along.
At each site, the staff gave thorough briefings replete with schematics and
information on current. Each diver had his own seat on the deck and his own steel
95 tank (a few smaller tanks were available). To avoid crowding, divers staggered
schedules for dressing and entry. During dives, they stationed one crew member on
the dive deck while another watched from the top deck for divers in trouble.
Everyone was computerized, and a sign-out and sign-in log allowed the crew to
check each diver’s profiles. All the staff, most of whom were instructors, were
personable, knowledgeable, and patient. When along on dives, they pointed out
critters, but they were not there to watch everyone, and some took photos.
Though the Pilot holds 32 guests,
only 29 were on my trip--all Americans--
along with 12 crew members. The
captain, first mate, and engineer
were just as obliging as the
divemasters. It was a remarkably
well-run operation, and the crew was
a well-trained, amiable, and welleducated
bunch, many working on masters
in marine biology.
But the crew member I’m usually
most interested in patrols the galley,
and chef Jerra seemed to live
there, baking fresh bread, making
ceviche, and rearranging the freezers
as she drew down the stock. She rotated
the breakfast menu daily: French toast, pancakes, or scrambled eggs, along
with oatmeal and homemade bran muffins. Fresh fruit held out for the whole week
and fresh salads until Thursday. Lunch consisted of sandwiches, always soup,
maybe a pasta salad. Dinner featured prime rib, pork loin, or chicken, but fish
was available, and she catered to special diets for some guests. The meals were
not “gourmet,” and the selection was limited, but they were commendable, and no
guest left without a full tank. And there were snacks: cookies fresh from the
oven at 10 a.m., egg rolls or hot wings at 4, and popcorn at night during movies.
Beer, wine, and drinks were sold, but most guests had visited the liquor store in
Georgetown before sailing and stored their six-packs and bottles of Chardonnay in
an ice-filled cooler on the photo deck.
Georgetown isn’t much of a town, and one spends the first night on the Pilot
as the crew readies the boat for a Sunday dawn departure. We passed time reading,
watching videos, or getting to know one another in the adjoining dining room and
salon or on the upstairs sundeck. Each night there were slide shows on marine
life, most of which were attention-getting and information-packed.
After four years in the water, a few of the Pilot’s rough edges are beginning
to show. The staterooms could use some new mattresses, linens, and a thorough
cleaning. It might also be time to refit some amenities, such as the carpeting in the rooms and the upholstery in the common areas, although these areas did smell
fresh: boat rules require all wet gear and towels to be hung in the ample storage
space on the sundeck.
Most guests had been on the boat for at least one of its other itineraries.
Despite the profusion of sea life, all the repeaters said, “It’s not as good as
Cay Sal Banks or the western Bahamas.” While those comparisons were somewhat of a
wet blanket, I thought the diving good enough to make 22 dives during the 5-1/2
days--and to give it 4 out of 5 stars on a Caribbean scale.
But hey, maybe those repeaters knew what they were talking about. Next winter,
the Pilot will be stationed in Belize. The move may be engendered because the
company hopes the next Pilot will be in the water by then (Andy, the engineer, is
a marine engineer who’s developing the design) or because there’s a better itinerary
lurking out there.
Will I become one of the repeaters? Their innuendo was infectious, the sharp
plunge of vertical walls draped with rippling reef fish always somehow falling
short of those they’d seen on those tantalizing other itineraries. The towering
superstructure of the boat is hardly pleasing to the eye but does dampen those
stomach-flipping swells and rolls, and I’m intrigued by Andy’s challenge of designing
an even better craft. The Belize junket holds the allure of an untried
itinerary (though the Aggressor and Dancer may have already picked the best
spots), and the pleasant summer tours on their top-billed western Bahamas and Cay
Sal Banks sojourns promise topnotch trips. It’s one of those things I’ll keep in
the back of my mind.
— N.M.
Diver’s Compass: Nekton Pilot, contact 800-899-6753 or 954-463-
9324, fax 954-463-8938, e-mail; see for more information.... My promotional
fare was $1200 for the week; regular year-round fare is
$1495...There’s E-6 photo processing, camera and video camera
rentals, and a whole deck for photo gear...Sites lent themselves
to wide-angle photography--not much macro...Scubapro
rental equipment available with repair for just about anything....
Dive platform was in excellent shape; on the return trip to Ft. Lauderdale
last year, the old platform fell into 2500' of water, after which they built
a new one...C-cards were checked, but they didn’t ask for log books...No
Nitrox... Western Bahamas and Cay Sal itineraries run from April to October. The
southern Bahamas itinerary and the new Belize itinerary will run from November
till May....On the Cay Sal itinerary, there’s lots of blue hole diving, which,
because of the depths, is probably not suitable for inexperienced divers. There
are often reef and bull sharks on the dives in the blue holes, nurse sharks and
turtles on the reefs above them...The western Bahamas itinerary, which includes
only two dives deeper than 60’, is probably the best choice for novice
divers...The best Bahamas weather is late spring to early summer; hurricanes
after that...Dealing with the Ft. Lauderdale office, where president John Dixon
works, was enjoyable. John picked us up at the airport and took us to our hotel
on the return trip...Airfare from Ft. Lauderdale to Georgetown is $260 r.t. plus
$1/lb. for each pound over 60; one can get from Miami to Georgetown on American
Eagle for 2/3 the price....When planning this trip, leave plenty of time for
arrivals and departures; the charter flights to and from Great Exuma don’t run on
a specific schedule. Leaving the Bahamas depends on island time: guests leave
when the plane arrives from Ft. Lauderdale and that time can vary by several