Surfers in Northern California
don’t need wetsuits, because
water that is normally 50°F is
now 67°F. Two men fishing for
albacore tuna land a 104-pound
marlin, the first ever caught off
Washington’s coast.
Pick up any newspaper and
you’ll find a number of events
attributed to El Niño, changes in
patterns of Pacific Ocean water
temperatures and wind directions
that have global effects.
Even in the pages of this issue of
Undercurrent, the high winds that
brought about the tragedy in
Papua New Guinea and the coral
bleaching found on the reef
newly discovered off Florida are
attributed to El Niño.
El Niño is the second-largest
driver of the world’s weather —
only the changes of the seasons
have bigger effects. Much about
the phenomenon remains a
mystery, and its effects are
unpredictable. However, after
the exceptionally strong El Niño
of 1982–83 caused more than $2
billion in damage, more scientific
research and data collection
methods were implemented. A
network of 70 buoys, set up by
the international Tropical
Oceans and Global Atmosphere
Program (TOGA), now stretches
across the Pacific along the
equator to monitor water
Now a compilation of these
new measurements is telling us
that off South America’s Pacific
Coast there’s a mass of warm
water 11/2 times the size of the
continental United States.
Predictions are for the worst El
Niño in 150 years.
Effects on Cocos Diving
Most research and forecasts
of El Niño’s effects on sea life
focus on economics. It’s interesting
to note that mackerel range
farther north than usual during
an El Niño year and that they
are voracious feeders preying on
juvenile salmon, or that the
anchovies don’t fare well these
years, but it’s hard to interpret
how this relates to ocean life on
a dive trip to Cocos, where
everyone is expecting to see
large pelagics.
El Niño is the secondlargest
driver of the
world’s weather — only
the changes of the
seasons have bigger
effects. |
The office of the Undersea
Hunter (Cocos Island) told me
they were updating their future
clients by staying in constant
radio contact with the boats and
advising them based on the
captains’ reports by radio during
the trips. Company president Avi
Klapfer has issued this message
concerning El Niño:
“Many people have expressed
their concern with
regards to the El Niño and how
this phenomenon could affect
their diving experience at Cocos.
I would like to take this opportunity
to share some of my experiences
with this phenomenon. El
Niño is a phenomenon which
causes the surface water temperature
to rise six to eight
degrees beyond the normal
here. This causes certain marine
creatures to seek colder waters.
These marine creatures accomplish
this by either going to
greater depths or by swimming
north. In our case, this causes
sharks (mainly hammerheads) to
go deeper in search of colder
water. Sharks would still be seen
at Cocos, but the chances of
seeing them in shallow waters
(100 feet or less) would be
significantly reduced. But it is
very important to note that in
seven years of diving at Cocos,
we have not had a single trip
without hammerheads.
“By mid-June, water temperature
would normally drop to
79°–80°F and wind patterns would
shift from northeast to southeast.
At the moment, water temperature
is steady at around 84°F and
the wind and weather patterns
have not completely shifted.
“Hammerheads swimming
individually and in schools are still
present at the island in a quantity
typical of the months of March,
April, and May (a quantity which
is normally lower than in the
months of June, July, and August,
during which the number of
hammerheads is at its peak).
“We are not severely affected
by El Niño as of yet, but there is a
delay in the return of the massive
quantity of hammerheads typical
of this time of the year.
“When we last experienced
El Niño, in spring of 1992, about
a year after we began our operation at Cocos, we, due
perhaps to our inexperience,
thought of this phenomenon as
a normal pattern at Cocos. But
the fact is that in this 1992 El
Niño, we witnessed some unique
marine life activity that has not
repeated since. We saw a tremendous
increase in the number of
schooling jacks, greater presence
of marine mammals such as
dolphins, pilot whales, and false
killer whales, great concentrations
of schooling mantas and of
some other visitors not normally
found around the island, as well
as more whale sharks.
“So what I am trying to say is
that even if El Niño were to
strike with full force, there
would still be much to see at
Cocos, as there is much more to
Cocos than just sharks. I truly
believe that any diver who looks
at Cocos as a whole, and not just
as a place for hammerheads, will
have a great experience, even if
this were to occur.
“We log all our dives, and we
rank them on a scale of 1 to 10.
Only two dives in the past seven
years have scored a 10. Many have
scored a 9, but the very exclusive
rating of 10 has been reserved for
only these two dives, one of which
was my extraordinary bait-ball
experience; the other one took
place at the end of May 1992, also
during the El Niño. [Ed. note: I
count the bait-ball episode — a
feeding orgy of big jacks, tuna,
sharks, and even birds diving into
the melee from the surface — as the
most exciting underwater video I’ve
ever seen.]
“We will continue to closely
monitor the El Niño phenomenon
and we’ll be happy to
update you at any time on its
progress and on the diving
conditions at Cocos.” (phone [in
Costa Rica] 506-228-6535 or 506-
228-6613, fax 506-289-7334;,;
Effects in the Galapagos
I asked Marc Benardi of
Aquatic Encounters, who hosted
five dive excursions to the
Galapagos this summer, what El
Niño effects he had witnessed. His
response: “The last big one was in
1992 and it damaged the orangebutton
coral in the archipelago.
The water temperatures reached
90°F. The coral has recovered,
although it took a few years.
“In May of this year El Niño
surprised us, since it didn’t come
with much warning. The northern
Islands of Darwin and Wolf on my
first four trips had fewer hammerhead
sharks than usual, but
otherwise the only difference was
warmer water. On my last trip in
mid-June, everything was back to
normal. We had whale sharks,
hundreds of hammerheads, and
dolphins galore” (phone 303-494-
8384, fax 303-494-1202).
Based on the information
above and on reports from
Cocos and the Galapagos sent in
by readers in El Niño years, I’d
say that if your only motive for
going either place is just to see
vast schools of hammerheads,
wait for a non–El Niño year. If
you’re prepared to dive deeper
to find sharks or willing to
experience what other marinelife
oddities may be precipitated
by the changes in water temperatures
and upwelling, it could still
be an excellent dive trip. I would
trade a lot of hammerheads to
have been there when the baitball
video was made.
J. Q.