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Dive Review of Multiple operators/Private home in
The Continental USA/Southeast Florida

Multiple operators/Private home: "Great diving in southeast Florida", Sep, 2020,

by Craig A Wood, PA, US (Top Contributor Top Contributor 55 reports with 49 Helpful votes). Report 11493 has 2 Helpful votes.

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Ratings and Overall Comments 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Accommodations N/A Food N/A
Service and Attitude N/A Environmental Sensitivity 5 stars
Dive Operation 5 stars Shore Diving N/A
Snorkeling N/A
Value for $$ 5 stars
Beginners 5 stars
Advanced 5 stars
Comments The airport in Philadelphia was still pretty deserted on the morning of the 10th and most shops and restaurants are still closed, at least early in the morning. The Admiral's Club in B/C is open, but they still walk you back to your seat, take a drink order, and bring you a crappy snack bag. It's better than hanging out in the airport. Everyone at the airport and on the flight down to West Palm wore a mask. National Car was fine, everyone was masked. The National Emerald Isle is closed, all pick-ups at Alamo, not as good as the old days but worked out fine. Everyone at Winn Dixie was wearing a mask when I made my one stop at the grocery for my stay. I stay in my townhouse in Hypoluxo, the only people I come into contact with for the rest of the trip are on the boats.

Friday the 11th. I got off to a very good start. I went out of Boynton with Starfish. The first dive was on the Castor and the second started on the outside of Briney Breezes with a crossover to the inside. There was little current, water temp 84 degrees, only downside was visibility of about 40 feet. The Castor was great with little current, so nice to be able to swim around. There were quite a few Goliath Grouper on the wreck, mainly the stern and off the wreck. The highlight was a large group of GG of the port bow stacked up. You don't see these when the current is up. There was a fair amount of bait and hunting Jacks. One of the resident Bulls was circling the perimeter of the wreck for much of the dive, probably hoping someone was hunting. The second dive was very relaxing. A Loggerhead straggler swam with me for at least 5 minutes on the outside.

Saturday the 12th. This day was a total loss due to Tropical Depression Nineteen. Nobody went out Boynton to Jupiter. I rode my bike to the Boynton Inlet and waves were breaking over the entire inlet, big swells, whitecaps all over, wind that you had to lean into. Of course, this could always be worse. Nineteen became Hurricane Sally and battered the gulf coast.

Sunday the 13th. My trip in Boynton was cancelled so I went out with Narcosis in West Palm. Seas were a good 2-4 with occasional bigger. Visibility was about 50 feet on the first dive on North Double Ledge and a bit less on Governor's River Walk on the 2nd. Water was 84 degrees. The dive on the reef was very nice even with very brisk current. A couple of Hawksbills, Nurse Sharks, all the usual reef fish. We ran out of reef at the end of the dive. The current on the wrecks was ripping, hold on for dear life ripping. To make it worse, there were no Goliath Grouper or sharks, maybe they were hiding from the current. It was a bit of a short dive as after being blown off the last wreck, there is nothing. I was glad to have gotten to go diving.

Monday the 14th. Went out with Starfish again from Boynton. Seas were 2-3, occasionally bigger. Brisk current on both dives with 84 degree water and visibility of about 50 feet. First dive was from outside of Clubhouse with crossover to the inside. Second dive a little farther north from outside of Black Condo to the inside. A couple of Loggerheads, a huge Southern Ray, a couple of Nurse Sharks and all the usual reef fish. A good day.

Tuesday the 15th. I went up to Jupiter and went out with JDC for a 3 tanker. A beautiful day, seas 2-3, little current, water 84 degrees. Did dives at Area 51, Spadefish Point, and Bonnie's. Three or 4 Hawksbills, a Loggerhead, many Nurse Sharks, a few Reef Sharks, huge free swimming Green Moray, the usual reef fish. A very relaxing day.

Wednesday the 16th. Two dives with Loggerhead out of Boynton. Seas were 2-3 feet, brisk current, water temp 84, visibility 40-50 feet. 1st dive outside of Clubhouse with crossover, 2nd dive outside at Sharkie's Ledge with crossover. It was not easy swimming between the fingers in the current. Hooked off several times so that I could more easily explore. Highlight was an inquisitive, medium sized Goliath Grouper on the second dive that has been living in the same place at least since July. There was also a very large school of Spadefish at this spot. I must have spent 10-15 minutes here

Thursday the 17th. Two more dives with Loggerhead. Seas around 2 feet, very brisk current, water 84, visibility 50 feet. 1st dive on the Castor. Unlike my dive last Friday, yesterday had strong current that did not allow excursions off the wreck. There were about 10 Goliath Grouper on the stern and about the same number off the bow. I could not see if there was still a group off the port bow. There was a large school of Horse Eye Jacks on the bow as well as a small squadron of Barracuda. A pair of large Southern Rays spent a lot of time cruising the sand off the bow. Second dive was a return to Sharkie's, starting further south. Came upon the same GG I described above, it came over to me a few times within about 3 feet. If I moved any closer, it would scoot away. The school of Spadefish was still there, about twice the size as Wednesday. I was able to insert myself into the school and have nothing but Spadefish all around me, magical.

Friday the 18th. So, three really good dives with JDC today. Seas about 2 feet, mild to moderate north current, warm, sunny day, visibility 60-80 feet, better on the first dives, water temp 84-85 degrees. First dive was on Tim's Ledge, a not formally named dive just north of Area 51, a very nice site. Second dive was on Spadefish Point, 3rd dive was on Capt. Kirle's, the least remarkable for the day. Today was Reef Shark day, many, many on the 1st two dives, and couple on the last. We also had several Goliath Grouper and a couple of Hawksbill Turtles. Of course there was the usual reef fish. All in all, a very nice day of diving

Saturday the 19th. This turned out to be my last day of diving this trip as Sunday the 20th and Monday the 21st were lost to big seas. I did 4 dives with Starfish Scuba out of Boynton. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, flattest seas of the visit, glassy in the AM, less than 2 feet all day. Visibility was best of the trip, at least 60 feet, as good as around 80 feet. In late morning, you could see the barrel sponges on the reef from the boat! There was a mild north current. Water was 85 degrees all day. First dive was on the Castor, another one of those great days when the current is mild enough to allow you to swim around at will. There was 10-12 GG on the stern, a few on the bow, and a small group off the port bow, not as many as Friday the 11th. There was some bait and Jacks. The second dive started outside of Clubhouse and ended on the inside at Gulfstream and Black Condo. I took a visitor from NY on the first two dives, he did very well and ascended on my flag when gas dictated. The third dive was entirely outside of Clubhouse and north. This was a really fun dive. Coming up, over a finger, I was surprised by a large Bull Shark that slowly cruised in front of me before proceeding south. Seeing Bull Sharks in this area is distinctly uncommon. Later, a Loggerhead Turtle swam straight toward me and placed its head against my mask, I spent a few moments peering directly into its eyes. It ended up swimming with me for about 5 minutes before veering off. A couple of large Green Morays, one free-swimming, ended the highlights. I started the last dive outside of Black Condo but had little NDL left at the end of the day. I cut across the reef and ended with a peaceful, relaxing drift on Black Condo and Jerry's No-Name.

I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to dive in beautiful SE Florida again. This visit was a good example of needing to remain flexible to maximize diving. I ended up getting in 20 dives, using 4 of my 5 most frequently used operators, and dived in Boynton Beach, Jupiter, and West Palm. I was able to dive on 8 of 11 possible dive days, losing 3 to big seas. I have not ventured outside the US this year, and find it reasonably unlikely that I will do so

Reporter and Travel

Dive Experience Over 1000 dives
Where else diving Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Brac, Bonaire, Curacao, Turks & Caicos, Roatan, Cozumel, Key Largo, SE Florida (Boynton Beach, Jupiter, West Palm...), Maui, Oahu, Cape Ann, San Diego, Costa Rica, Panama, Cocos Island, Red Sea, Galapagos, Revillagigedos
Closest Airport Palm Beach International Getting There Direct flight on American Airlines, rental car

Dive Conditions

Weather sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, dry Seas calm, choppy, currents, no currents
Water Temp 84-85°F / 29-29°C Wetsuit Thickness 3
Water Visibility 40-80 Ft/ 12-24 M

Dive Policy

Dive own profile yes
Enforced diving restrictions Varies by operator
Liveaboard? no Nitrox Available? yes

What I Saw

Sharks Lots Mantas None
Dolphins None Whale Sharks None
Turtles > 2 Whales None
Corals 3 stars Tropical Fish 5 stars
Small Critters 3 stars Large Fish 4 stars
Large Pelagics N/A

Underwater Photography 1 (worst) - 5 (best):

Subject Matter N/A Boat Facilities N/A
Overall rating for UWP's N/A Shore Facilities N/A
UW Photo Comments I took my camera on just a few of the dives in Boynton Beach and Jupiter. Starfish and JDC both have good sized rinse containers. Crews are careful with cameras
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Report currently has 2 Helpful votes

Subscriber's Comments

By Greg Bruce in WA, US at Oct 09, 2020 20:05 EST  
Nice report Craig!
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